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Version 2 of Quandor

Here's version 2. Fixed a few things. The yellow quandor on the right is all yellow instead of flashing white. Also, nobody noticed that if you hit the yellow quandor, you lose two lives. Fixed that to one. I also made quandors #2 and #5 move faster than #s 1, 3 & 4. And missile1 (the Adventure-type dot) no longer has a blue stripe flashing in it. I don't know how far I should go on this. I mean, it was an experiment at first, but now I might want 8bitclassics to make a cart out of this for



BASICally got it maid?

After playing vdub_bobby's prototype, I wondered if I could recreate this game using Batari BASIC. The result: Quandor. It flickers, so taking a picture of this game would be like taking a picture of Pac-Man. But here it is, and here are the instructions. Note that this is a work-in-progress. ----------------------- Quandor instructions.   At the title screen (which says Quandor), with the left difficulty switch you can choose the speed in which your character goes. A for fast and B for slow



2600 goings-on

Earlier in the week, I mentioned a 2600 4-switch being up for sale at one of my local used video game stores. Well, yesterday, I took the bus and got it. But the bus ride was a hassle. Because the bus was late getting to the stop to go downtown (after I took it coming back downtown from the store), I missed the bus that I catch to go home. So, what did I do to kill time before the bus I get to go home comes around every hour? Why, bug my mom at work, of course. While there, I swapped the plastic




I've decided to change the name of Bad Gorf to Xela. Why Xela? The name of the programmer of Gorf is Alex (according to AtariAge), so I thought, what is that backwards? Xela. It starts with X, which makes it sound like some alien species, which is a plus. I've always had a kind of fascination with games or words that start with X. It must be because there aren't very many of them. For the NES, I have a CIB Xevious and a loose Xexyz. I'm still looking for Xenophobe. Well, anyway, if someone can c



Can't think of a title

Sorry, I just can't. I just finished watching Reservoir Dogs. It's a great movie. If you haven't watched it before, you should definitely rent it sometime (if you're over 18.) It's about some gangsters and a hold-up gone wrong, and one of the gangsters is a cop. And the ending is very surprising. Well, anyway, I stayed up tweaking Bad Gorf some more. I added sound of shots fired, sound of things getting hit, and animated sparks for when you hit the big ship's hole in the third level. Of course,



Playable (but still bad) Bad Gorf

I've tweaked Bad Gorf enough to make it (hopefully) somewhat playable. You'll notice the graphics are bad and there's no noise. I'll fix those problems if I get a "keep going with this game" type of response. Of course, if everyone thinks it's really bad (like the name implies), I'll just find something else to do. Maybe I'll take on Astroshoot again. I'll have to post this comment in the Batari Basic forum when I get around to it: in a future edition of Batari Basic, it would be really nice if



Power outage?

Went downtown for a few hours today and when I got back, noticed all the clocks were flashing, meaning only one thing: Power outage. Checked my computer, to my surprise, it was still on, which was weird. It hadn't turned off and back on again because the My Documents folder was still open. So I have no idea what happened. Oh well.



Worse Gorf

Added a third level (which is the second level in the game). In this one, spaceships try to ram you and when you shoot five of them, you go to the third level. I also made the difficulty increase once you're done with all three levels. And I also added a title screen, which has to be as ugly as it is because I can't use no_blank_lines because I'm using both missiles in the game (missile1 makes up a square in the first level and the end of the spaceship in the last level. Missile0 is your missile



Bad Gorf

If you thought Gorf was bad, meet Bad Gorf. Inspired by my new-found hatred for Gorf (see this week's HSC), I'm programming the worst version of Gorf ever programmed. Yes, that's its name. Bad Gorf. I want people to know that this version is terrible. In between levels 1 and 2, I'm going to add a falling spaceship level (like level 3 in actual Gorf, but instead of going a circular pattern, they drop down at a fantastic pace.) If anyone actually wants to play Bad Gorf, I'll start putting binary u



A New Hope

I went to the used game store earlier and guess what I saw? An actual Atari 2600 (4-switch), complete with games for $35. I didn't get it, seeing as how I already have a 2600, and I didn't have $35 with me. I only had $20. I also had most of the games offered with it, except Wizard of Wor and a boxing title. Well, anyway, they put two games offered single into the 2600 package so now there's only one lone Pac-Man for sale. I got 5 NES games (Marble Madness, Hunt For Red October, Quattro Sports,



My whole collection

Here's a "family" picture of almost all my entire video game collection (about 325 games). Not pictured are my GBA games (10 or so) and some games I'll undoubtedly get tomorrow at the used video game store. Also, I'm beginning to doubt Mike Etler's rarity list. According to him, I have 28 games B- or higher (out of 84). I remember playing Pinbot as a kid, and I had to trade it in when my NES broke. It was about a year or so later that I bought a new NES to rekindle childhood memories. And the



The dumbest time of the year

The stupidest holiday of the year is Monday. That's right, it's Columbus Day here in America. Why is it so stupid? The only people that get it off are the feds, and that means no mail. Other than that, everything is normal. State workers still have to go to work, schools are open, etc. Just no mail. Don't know whether the stock market is open or not, but who cares? Here's the thing that makes me angry about this: If we're making Columbus Day a holiday, why not actually celebrate it? Why not clos



Mario vs. DK 2 for DS

Though I haven't played Mario Vs. DK 1 for the Game Boy Advance, I just got Mario Vs. DK 2 for the DS. I'm going to play it more in-depth later, but I just played the first three rooms and I must say it's really good so far. The game isn't a typical Mario game, it's more like Lemmings in which you guide these wind-up Mario toys to an exit door. I also got two bags of potato chips. Yum. And the main reason I go to Wal-Mart to get these last two games is because it's right down the street from me.



I goed to the store

I went to Wal-Mart and their prices on games are way better than Gamestop. I saved $5 buying Mario Hoops 3-on-3 at Wal-Mart than if I had bought it at Gamestop. And it works! Not only that, but Wal-Mart had Resident Evil: Deadly Silence and it's rated M! Now I can use that $5 on other things, like, um, candy! I like candy. My personal favorite candy are Peanut M&Ms, although I'll eat anything but something with caramel in it because it sticks to your teeth. Well, anyway, there.



Beck's new album

Beck's new album, The Information, is really wonderful. What really makes it great is track 15 (you heard right), the last track, oddly titled "The Horrible Fanfare/Landslide/Exoskeleton. The first five minutes are an actual song, and the last 5 minutes are like bonus noise (with people talking about spaceships and changes). The track itself is 10 minutes and 36 seconds and reminds me of the music of Godspeed You Black Emperor. The list of trax: 1. Elevator Music 2. Think I'm In Love 3. Cellp



OK, fear the dentist.

Well, I have to go back and get all 4 wisdom teeth pulled and 4 cavities filled. He filled one today, and it wasn't that bad, just gave me some novocain. I just had a thought: I'm gonna have to have 8 novocain shots on my next visit! Owee! My mouth is numb in the spot where he filled one of my fillings now, just multiplying that numbess times 7 is sickening. I don't want to think about it. Also, I apparently have gum disease. Yay. Now I have to brush and floss 3 times a day (instead of none, but



Don't fear the dentist

It's one of those times in my life tomorrow. Time to go to the DENTIST! AAAAH!!! Seriously, it's just a check-up and to see what the heck my stupid problem is with my toothache that I've had off and on. Hopefully, I'll make it out of there alive (by the skin of my teeth, pun intended!) Oh well, good thing the appointment isn't on Friday the 13th. Ha. And if he tells me I have to go back to get a cavity filled, I'll lie and say "of course I'll go back." Reminds me of a few lines from a Brak Show



Old newspapers!

The Vietnam War. Nixon resigning. Mt. St. Helens blowing its top. New Year's Day 2000. These are just some of the memories that my grandparents kept in the form of newspapers. Went over to my grandpa's and borrowed them so I could scan them in my scanner (because they really need to be.) Also, my latest hobby seems to be collecting black Tengen NES games. I have 5 so far, just got one today (RBI Baseballs 1 & 2, Klax, Vindicators, and Super Sprint). I also got Monster Party which is suppos



Games on calculators

Here's a fresh new idea blending calculators and video games (and when I mean "fresh" I mean "stupid".) Introducing Calcgames! Now, since I don't have the ability to reprogram calculators, I've put my ideas onto Atari 2600 emulators. And since these are to be played on calculators, they're not all that in-depth. In fact, they're more time-wasters than games. This first one, Eat Man, is you feed the mouth by pressing left, but only when the mouth is open. There are two faster levels. In case you



bBasic Problem

I enjoy making games for Batari Basic, but I'm beginning to feel that I should keep them to myself. All these games I've been making are cheap imitations of real ones. It's just with over 900+ titles (or however many of them there are), the Atari 2600 is a really difficult system to try to make new games for. The truth is, I have a few ideas for games, but can't be pulled off with Atari 2600. When Donkey Kong Country was new, I designed a 6-world platform video game. Same goes for Super Mario 64



Astroshoot - version 2

I was playing Astroshoot and I was thinking that the hit detection between player0 and player1 was off, so I looked at the code and realized that I didn't check for a collision right after player0 moved to the right or left (in essence while player0 was moving left or right into a rock.) So I changed that and added some playfield colors. And yes, I know that there's already an Astrosmash version for the 2600, I just wanted to make something like that.




I'm working on an Astrosmash clone using Batari BASIC. This is just a rough draft I spent about half the day working on. I'll change the background, maybe do some multicolored sprites, hear what other people have to say about it. BTW, I'd like to hear comments on this. Is it too easy? Too hard? Etc. Here ya go.



Top 10 list for October

1. Grand Prix 2. Freeway 3. Bowling 4. Video Pinball 5. Barnstorming 6. Frogger 7. Pole Position 8. Realsports Football 9. Enduro 10. Ms. Pac-Man   Half these games I got off the internet from people like you. Keep 'em coming! Oh, and thank you. Will Dodge 'Em, Millipede, and probably some more I will ask for make the list next month? Find out. Until then, here.



SpongeBob is DoneBob

, or as far as I want it done. This masterpiece, my best yet, was created in a little more than 24 hours. Of course, if anyone finds any major bugs, I will fix them, but otherwise, put a fork in it because it's done. And with a little less than 100 bytes to spare. I added a 3rd level based on the episode SB-129. It's the last place where Squidward ends up, only SpongeBob is there instead. The weird place with the white background and the squares. SB-129 is one of my favorite SpongeBob episodes.




Continuing with the onomotopeia theme I have with these blog titles, I went to the flea market and there were NO Atari games. Not only that, there were no games period, sans a few electronic hand held things. I'm working on a SpongeBob SquarePants game with Batari Basic. It's going to be like a cross between Road Runner and my old Hurdles game. In this level shown here, SpongeBob must jump over the jellyfish, based on the "Nature Pants" episode. There's going to be a second level in which you'



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