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1 on 1 Basketball: 4th quarter

As far as working on 1 on 1 Basketball goes, I'm late in the fourth quarter. I made a title screen. I successfully put it in the game. The game is now 4k. Now the game needs some testers. I wrote up some instructions for the game. If you'd like to test the most current version, PM me and I'll send you what I have so far. I will not post this version on the website because it may be the final version of the game if there's nothing wrong with it.   I need to remember that if I



Today I learned...

...that upon startup the Game Boy starts in banks 0 and 1 and stays that way until you change it. Bank 0 is always on no matter what. So the whole reason my GoSub game was working at all was it was a fluke. Well, I changed all that, making corrections to the game's code and following up on stuff and I think I have the "flukiness" gone.   Last night, I also changed the title screen before I went to bed. I made a little animation involving the submarine and octopi. It was hard, but I eve



GoSub: Water, Water Everywhere

So they turned off the water to look for the leak. The dog had to be in my room for an hour. It's not like she was alone, though. I was also in my room. I thought since this could apparently take a while, I might as well use the time to do something constructive. So I chose to work on GoSub again. The task took too long though, they were gone after 90 minutes and I was still struggling with it. The task at hand: Move the music's bank to bank 3. But eventually I did it. Then I thought, "I could b



1 on 1 Basketball: Animated players

I didn't get to sleep until 5 this morning because I was up all night trying to animate teh players' legs. At 4:30a.m. I had finally done it. After many false starts and retries. I think this makes the game look a lot better now.   This also means I'll probably be asleep when they come into the house to check the water tomorrow. Mom will have to let them in and put the dog in my room. The water will be turned off at around 8:30 a.m. I just got up. I woke up a few times before, but just



1 on 1 Basketball: Shot Clock

As it turned out, I wasn't really all that sleepy. After half an hour laying there, I decided to get up and start working on the shot clock. I had a working shot clock after about an hour, so I went to sleep. I woke up the next morning (afternoon?) and tested it on a real Odyssey², and it worked well, except for me discovering a bug: If the player presses fire when the ball is at the top of its shooting arc, the ball goes back to the beginning of the shooting phase. So I had to fix that. And I t



1 on 1 Basketball update

So after working on "Can You Canoe?", I was thinking a lot about the Odyssey² programming. And I thought of my basketball game I quit working on. I thought of some way to perhaps fix the problem I was having with not having the game act how I wanted. A simple thing took about a few hours, and then I had it: It was working the way I wanted to (Mostly.) I had to lose the leg walking animation of the players as it was causing problems. I don't know why, but it was. But this gives me more room to at




So I spent all day (well, almost all of it, about 4 hours' worth. I woke up at 11:30a.m. It's now almost 6p.m.) trying and trying to prep the kayak game for 6 levels. The computer kept being a jerk and spouting out compiled ROMS that didn't work. Until just a few minutes ago when it finally decided it had enough of torturing me and made it work. Now my eye hurts. I sometimes get eyeaches when I'm mad. I sometimes get eyeaches when the grass is mowed. I sometimes get eyeaches out of the blue. And




This morning I woke up and worked on GoSub again. Got maze #14 finished. I also had to work on the sound that happens when you crash. It sounded more like a "ding" that you did something correct. So I made it a "crash" sound eventually. I tried different values but as it turned out all I had to do was not change the values, and instead change the channel to the fourth one (the one that makes white noise). So now it makes a good, believable crash noise (IMO).   Today is the d



South (and north) of the border

Last night I was working on GoSub. I found myself really bored like I always am. So I decided to work on it. I made it so if there's a gap in either of the vertical walls and the sub goes through it, the sub will end up at the other side. Went to sleep and woke up this morning and worked on it some more. If there's a gap in either of the horizontal walls and the sub goes through it, the sub wil end up at the other side. These are levels 12 and 13 respectively. I think this is needed i



4 banks

I was wondering why I kept getting a 64k rom yet the ROM usage tool kept saying that there were only 2 banks. So I started digging around and tinkering and I finally got the ROM usage tool to show four banks.   When it first compiled, it said that bank 0 was overflowing. So I found the root cause to be music. So I tried putting a track out. Still no good. So I said "to heck with this" and made three new music tracks. Remarkably they fit in the game with about 4% use left to spare. But



Three octopi and a racer

Give us this day, our daily GoSub maze. I woke up in the middle of the night with a bad case of acid reflux. I tried sleeping with one pillow on top of another. That didn't work. Then I remembered something about dairy food helping. So I got up and had a midnight snack: some ice cream. It helped a little, but I was back to sleep anyway.   I woke up at about 4 hours later with an idea in my head: a racing game, similar to Motorodeo for the Atari 2600, but instead of monster t



steel plates

I thought just having a submarine move through different mazes would be kind of, well, monotonous. So I decided to spice things up with moveable walls. Every six seconds, the two squares shaded light gray will move down to the other empty space below it. And then it will do that over and over again. This took a long time to do.   Apparently I couldn't rewrite the values of the map data, so I had to make two separate groups of map data that change. But I also did something el



I've been working on the submarine...

The official GoSub website I discovered if I wanted to make 60 levels, I'd have to make it 128k. The first bank of the level data was filling up fast, and with 20 levels in it was 78% filled. So I made it have 10 levels. That reduced it to about half filled. I made today's level so I'm up to 9 levels so far. I decided I will make 30 levels instead of 60. I figured 60 was just too long to sit through in one sitting.   I also had a bit of trouble today programming this. I wanted to




I have decided that I will make one GoSub maze per day until I get it finished. I made one yesterday, and I already did one for today. At this rate, I think I'll have it done in about two months. Perhaps some days I'll make two mazes, but I don't want to get sick of this project. My mouse is acting stupid. It goes to scrolling mode even when my finger is nowhere near the wheel. Sometimes I'm not even touching it. I'm wondering if the mouse is the whole issue to my computer problems a



64k GoSub

So I made a 64k version of GoSub for the Game Boy. It works on both bgb and emulicious. I had remembered I made a 64k version of Frank the Fruit Fly for GB before, but I wasn't sure if it was the correct way to do that. So now instead of limiting myself to 20 levels, I can make a lot more, like 60. If I do that many, I would think using a Game Genie would suffice in changing the level you start on. And this also means I would have more than enough room for my Easter egg I wanted to put in.



My computer is stupid.

Sometimes (at least a few times per day) my computer freezes. I can still move the cursor around, I just can't click on anything. So I have to ctrl+alt+del and click on Task Manager. The computer then goes back to what I was doing with Task Manager open. The Task Manager shows my CPU usage is 89% before it gradually goes down and then I can work again. I am using Windows 10. This is really annoying and stupid. I was just wondering if I could try anything, try to get it fixed, or just get a new c



7800 stuff

I went on eBay and bought a copy of Crossbow. I guess I need to find my XE light gun if I want to play it, or I guess I could use my controller, but it hurts my hands. These past couple of days I have been working on Pineapple, trying to make it better bit by bit. I wish I had a Concerto cart so I can see what it looks like on my CRT set. I went to sleep at about 3 p.m. and woke up at about 11 p.m. with a few comic strip ideas. So after drawing and then coloring them, I couldn't go back to sleep




I was looking through some stuff to do when I thought of my Atari 7800. I went into the garage and found two of them. And the games. And a controller. But I came in and tore my room apart looking for the AC adapter. I finally found it. So I tried one. It didn't work. I tried the other. It didn't work either. Undeterred, I finally got one of them displaying the title of GoSub only it was all messed up and gray. So I blew in the cartridge (yeah, I know you're not supposed to) but it works!  



A tight squeeze perhaps

I put in two more songs for the GoSub game. So that's done. I wondered how much room I'd have left if I had 20 levels. So I put in 16 empty levels and compiled. The result wasn't very promising. It compiled okay, but there wasn't very much room left for an ending. So if there is one, it won't be very big. Plus, I also have to code in some more code to point to 16 more levels as well as add a third octopus, so that will take away some of my free space. I would like to stay in 32k, but I don't kno




I am not going to do anything special for Easter.  No chocolate rabbits, no eggs, no ham dinner. If you are in the same boat as I am, try my new GoSub binary file. I worked a lot on it this early morning. I changed the sprites' looks, I changed the numbers, I changed the fonts, I added a fourth level. I added a new song. Here are a few pictures to show some changes I made. This is the title screen. I added a copyright notice at the bottom. This is the fourth level. I made t



Sick as a dog

Because she is a dog. Last night at around 1 a.m. the dog woke my mom up saying the dog might be sick. I was already up doing stuff. The dog is 12 years old, so not exactly a puppy. We took her out a couple of times in the following couple of hours, because I don't know what else we could have done. When I took her out the second time, she began to vomit. Then when she came back in, we tried feeding her some pumpkin, which Mom read somewhere you should do if your dog gets sick. She didn't want t



Turtle power

I am at a good stopping point with my canoeing game for the Odyssey². So that is what I will do: Stop for a few days and come back to it. I made some changes, most of which can be found in the Odyssey² subforum under my "Doodles" thread I made. But I made a few more changes and now have reached the end of working on level 1. I noticed that when you died, the score didn't reset back to 0, so I changed that. Level 1 now looks like this: When I come back to working on this, I will work o



Rolling down the river

So I learned that if I were to continue on this project, I couldn't use any custom sounds. I kept trying to make the game work on a real Odyssey² but it kept on not functioning and resetting every second or so. So I got rid of the custom sounds and just used the BIOS ones and it worked okay on a real Odyssey². I think this is due to me using the timer to change the background colors. So now I have this: Yes, there are sharks in the river. An unusual enemy. I still haven't decided what



Streaming games

I thought it would be better to turn the road into a stream instead and make the game like the Atari 2600 game "Raft Rider" (except way better to control.) It took a long time, about an hour, to try and try again to make all the characters that make up the man, the canoe, and the oar appear on a real Odyssey². It looks like this so far: The oar is animated. As the action button is pressed, the trees will move left simulating horizontal movement and the guy will paddle his canoe. The g



The long road ahead

I found myself working on another Odyssey² doodle. This time it is a road. Nothing much happening yet. I made it so trees go by creating the illusion that you are actually going somewhere. The shoulders of the road are made up of characters. Ten of them. Which leaves room for only two more that make up the tree. So anything else would have to be either a quad or a sprite. I'm thinking red quads down at that black part for a score or something.   Speaking of which, this is wh



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