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My thoughts on everything.

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Gee, thanks for making me angry!

My comic is working again (except for the advertisement that's supposed to be at the top of the page.). As it turns out, the people at ComicGenesis completely revamped the way they do things. As a result, I had no idea because I didn't visit their forum. After I entered a full update, all the comics from the past week finally got on the page. It's funny, on my old computer, it shows it for a little bit then comes up with a 404 page, probably due to the advertising part not working. But if you do




3D my ass! While the sprites may be rendered in 3D, the gameplay is truly 2D. Game play moves like in Kirby 64. I was correct on that front. For those who haven't played Kirby 64, what it basically is is non-linear 2D gameplay. There sometimes can be turns, etc., unlike Super Mario World which is always straight, but it still basically is 2D gameplay. For those of you who don't know, I got a N-Gage recently, so I'm talking about the N-Gage version. The game looks absouletly beautiful, and plays



Flea Market Day

I am not a morning person. I should be asleep now. The only reason I'm not is because I went to the flea market when it opened. I like to get there when it opens (9:30am), so I can see all the good stuff before someone buys it. This time around, there were a few people selling wax cylinders and machines to play them on. I wanted one, but didn't have $300 to spend on it. But what I did have the money to buy was an interesting vinyl record about the 1976-77 NBA Blazers championship finals win. Now




Just when I finish composing a MIDI of background music to Tic-Tac-Toe 'Ten, I wanted to see how to put MIDIs in Virtual Boy games, so I check Planet Virtual Boy...closed to the public for maintenance/upgrades! It's been like this for all day now! I e-mailed KR155E (the owner) to see if he knew when the site would be back up...no response. He either is too busy to reply to me, or something has gone hideously wrong. I want my Planet Virtual Boy back! I am beginning to have withdrawl symptoms. Too



Geek dreams

Here's what I want to do: I want to make a KIM-1 type device, only "steal" the layout from a calculator (have 8 digits instead of 6) and insert a place to plug in cartridges (or what have you, but not cassette tapes.). My ideal setup would be cartridges, but maybe in place of that have a USB port to download games from my website or something. The only trouble is, I don't know the first thing about assembling computers. Maybe I could pay someone to do this for me. This sounds like one of my frie



Calculator fun

A long time ago, I had an idea about games on a standard 8-digit calculator. I wonder if it is possible to hack a calculator into showing whatever you want that aren't the standard 0-9. If you don't know what I'm talking about, I made a mockup of a Calculator Game in bB. The only difference is that this would be on an actual calculator display and not on an Atari 2600. This would be really cool IMO and would design more games if it is possible to do this. (Just imagine that 8 is up and 2 is down



Mad About Mad

Mad Magazine, like many, was purchased frequently by me as a teenager. Seeing how Mad Magazine is now published quarterly, it has been harder and harder to find. So when I spotted a copy at WinCo, it was hard to pass up. So, reading the latest issue of Mad (May 2010), there is a frequent feature: Product Acronyms You Never Knew Existed. The guy who does this is very good at it. So, along with almost the entire newspaper with all its advertisments and that issue of Mad I was reading while I was s



It's fan time

Well, today's high reached 77 F. And although that doesn't really sound very impressive, the heat in my room caused me to get out the fan. Mind you we have air conditioning, but Mom refuses to put it on not quite yet, she's not hot at all. I'm burning. I was just thinking of planning on trying to get some more vinyl records. Kind of makes you wonder why they couldn't find some other non-melting material to make them out of. Now it's probably not hot enough to melt them, but I am hot. And I hate



Poor Indiana

So I go to Fred Meyer today (a local department store.) The only Didj game they had was like four copies of Indiana Jones. Apparently ol' Indiana isn't as popular as he was when the last movie came out. But I got one. So now I have two, along with the SpongeBob game I got last Friday. Going to Toys R Us this Friday, hope to find some more titles. All I've had to pay for the games so far is $14.99 for both of them. Hopefully Toys R Us will have some cheap games, too, like Sonic the Hedgehog (I re



Tiny Crosswords

Whenever I get bored, I just work on crossword puzzle making. Lately I've been doing small, 7x7 ones. Surprisingly, they're a lot harder to make than, say, a 25x25 or 29x29 one. Especially the one below, which took about two days to figure out and make. This is #9 and every month, I'll make a little magazine of these, whether you like them or not, because I like making these and I figure even if nobody does them, I'll have them to do about a year from now when I forget all the words that went in



Places NOT to get Didj games

Went out in search for games for my new handheld. There are two places not to go if you want Didj games: Wal-Mart and K-Mart. Neither of these places has games for it. I guess I'll try my luck at Toys R Us next weekend. I also went to Value Village. There were a few Sega CD games, but I don't have a Sega CD. Also two 2600 games: Jungle Hunt and Combat. Knowing them they probably wanted $2.99 for the Combat cart. Went to Dairy Queen and got a mint oreo blizzard. Yummy. Went to the other video gam



I didj turn it on.

putting the batteries in was hard. As it turns out, they go in two seperate little containers, much like how you put batteries in a Virtual Boy. And for a while I couldn't make the switch work. As it turns out, you have to hold it down for a little bit longer than you should. Then, it prompted me to enter a name and grade (I'm in the 3rd grade now LOL) as well as choosing an avatar (which I accidentally skipped over because I was frantically pressing buttons wanting the thing to do something.) T



I did it.

I bought a Didj. Not as expensive as I thought it would be. Can't beat that. The older games were less expensive than the newer ones, so I got an older one. I was expecting to spend about $100. Total cost (system + one game): $85. Why did I buy one of these? It just looked interesting. The idea of educational games (there's now 15 of them). I wonder how many of these have sold so far. I was curious as to what a Didj cartridge looked like: It's like a DS card, only a little bit bigger. I need 4



SpongeBob AtariPants

I worked for a few hours making everything just right. Originally, I had a version that flickered, then after a few more programming tricks, I got it to a non-flickered version. This could be used as a title screen to a game or something, I may start a new version of Jellyfishing and have this be the title screen for it. Anyway, here's the result: A nice, non-flickering screen of SpongeBob's face.




I've always wanted one of these, but I've been scared to death of buying one because they cost a bajillion dollars. I don't know why, it just looks kind of interesting, and I've always wanted to see what a cartridge looks like, but I'm going to bite the bullet and actually buy one of these, even though Best Buy refuses to discount it. That is, after my stupid dentist's appointment. Yes, it's been 6 months already, and god forbid I don't come to see them every 6 months. They have some sort of fet



Pac-Man Collection

Pac-Man Collection is a collection of Pac-Man games. First, there's the normal Pac-Man, playable in either full-screen or scrolling. Then there's Pac-Man Arrangement. This one puts Pac-Man in sort of a Super Mario Bros.-style worlds. Of course, you're still in a maze and same goal is to eat all the dots, but there's additions such as pills which do various things, new enemies that try to ram you, and other interesting things. Of course, the game gets real hard real quick but lucky you: you have



It is the teens...

...and there is time for Klax. Just found a good deal at the Goat Store. Sometimes they're overpriced, sometimes under. DP's website says Klax for the TG16 is worth $20. I bought it for $12. It just seems weird to say that it's the teens. Someone has been buying a lot of TG16 games apparently. Last time I looked there were fewer than I saw the time before last. Why Klax? It looked like the only game I'd even remotely enjoy for under $20. There doesn't really seem to be very many puzzle games for



CIB SNES games

Went to the game store. Saw the Colecovision with about 15 or so boxed games for $130. If I had $130 I'd buy it in a heartbeat. But I don't. So my new collecting fad is boxed Super Nintendo games. I got Pinball Fantasies, Harley's Humongous Adventure, Zoop, and Jeopardy Deluxe, all with boxes and manuals, for $21.80. Looked on Nintendoage and according to them, Pinball Fantasies is an R7! I only paid $10. And it's tied with Miner 2049er Volume 2 and Atari Video Cube as the rarest games I own (bo



2010 PVB Coding Competition

Well, I didn't think it would actually happen, but there's a second (annual?) Planet Virtual Boy Coding Competition. Instead of putting my work on Castle of Doom into it (I don't think I could get it finished by the November 1 deadline), I've decided to do something relatively simple: A (playable) Tic-Tac-Toe game called "Tic-Tac-Toe '10." I say playable because the other tic-tac-toe game needs two players, so I may use some of the coding from the TI-Tac-Toe project for the TI-83+ I programmed a



Ancient Aliens

Has anyone else watched this History Channel show? It's about the theory that aliens landed on earth a long time ago and helped build Stonehenge, the pyramids of Giza, etc. It's got me convinced. In fact, I wanted to watch the newest episode which was on at 8pm, but I fell asleep. Luckily, there's a repeat of it Saturday @ 8pm. So by now you assume (correctly) that I believe in aliens. The proof that aliens exist is here on earth, like I said, with Stonehenge and the pyramids, and ancient Peruvi



2 letters

I'm working on a 2-letter-word dictionary. Right now, I have 124 entries. It's been hard to define what can go in, but I have narrowed it down to this: a common everyday word that is not an abbreviation (unless it is the first two letters of the longer version of the word). This means words like WI and FI (Wi-fi) can go in, but other words like TV can't. This seems to be the mantra of the Scrabble dictionary, but Scrabble players aren't using proper nouns, which I have included, as well as a few



DK Bongo Society Store

Just to let you guys know, I got an extra Donkey Konga 2 game that I'm selling in my newly formed Store. A great game if you either have the bongos or don't. More information here. I got Cookie Monster Munch. Can someone hack the game so it uses the joystick, or would that be impossible? It uses the keypad, so the controls are kind of weird moving Cookie Monster around with no joystick. I'm wondering how they did the giant screen-filling Cookie Monster animation after you put the cookie(s) in th




So, I went to the record store today. There was a note on the door saying "It's 2:40 be back in 45 minutes." Being 3:30 and deciding that he wasn't going to show up again, I started to leave, and just as we pulled out, the guy came back. So, I went inside, and found another long song for my records collection: Rush's "2112." It just ended playing on my record player. It didn't sound very good. It's either the record or the player, I don't know which. I think next month I really NEED to get a new



Record holder

So, I wondered if there was a way to get my records off the floor. After looking at my bookcase, the lower part having two shelves, I determined that I could move the shelf up so my records could fit. I must admit, I have a very eclectic collection, the one thing all my records have in common is that each album has at least one song over 15 minutes long on it. I think I have a few rare ones (The Nice, Tangerine Dream), but I like my small record collection. LPs are quite a bit bigger than CDs, b



Non-Nathan Strum VCS comics

I've had this idea floating around my head, and then with all the Air Raid stuff going on, I finally found a place to use it. I might make some more of these if I get a positive response from this one.



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