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My thoughts on everything.

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On Thanksgiving, it was just me, mom and dad eating spaghetti and garlic bread. Mom had to pick Dad up and take him over here and then take him back. On the way home from taking him back, we stopped at Fred Meyer (a local department store) on our quest to find more LED lights and/or chasers. We couldn't find any, although I did get some CD/DVD pens and a few DVD-RWs. Today, we tried to go to the record store I mentioned in last time's blog, but it was closed so we went to another one instead and



My 2600 collection

Has anyone ever sent their dirt commons to AA in exchange for store credit? I was going through the garage looking for stuff when I stumbled upon my duplicate 2600 games. Among them was a Sears Othello text label. I looked it up on the rarity guide and was shocked to find it was an R4. Well, I'm going to buy a few more 2600 games instead of my monthly Lynx game. This decision comes after I know I couldn't possibly have a complete Lynx collection because Lemmings is so rare (but that means I won



Random thoughts

So I looked on the back of my four-switch Atari 2600 and it said "032" which I assume means third week of 1982, which would mean that the thing is older than I am. Atari things were built to last, i guess. Who'd've thought that a 26-year-old electronic thing would still work?   On Friday, since my mom has the day off, and I wanted to go shopping, and since everyone else would be out shopping, I thought i'd make her take me to a record store with CDs and LPs. The place usually has one or two cu



Seeing Red: V-Tetris

I got another Virtual Boy game in the mail today. This time it's the Japanese "V-Tetris." It's a good thing the Virtual Boy doesn't have a regional lockout thingee so if I could, I could get a complete collection. I tried to read the manual, but it was all in Japanese, which is weird because every single word in the game itself was in English. This is just normal Tetris (different from the VB game "3D Tetris.") except the controls aren't as solid as one might expect IMO. In my half-hour of playi



Green Chri$tma$

Well, I went to South Salem Game Crazy (the one that usually doesn't have anything I want) and they had brand new Genesis controllers. Since I was looking for one, I bought one. The guy asked "Do you want the three button or the six button one?" referring to what appeared to be a Saturn controller. Guy can't keep his controllers straight, I guess. I typed "tab" because i thought it would tab. Instead it just published the entry when I wasn't done with it. Well, anyway, we bought some pricey L



Master System controllers in Genesis

I can't find my Sega Genesis controller. I was able to find everything else, including all my games, but not the controller. Then I noticed that my Master System has the same input as the Genesis ones. So I plugged my Master System controller into my Genesis, and after figuring out what to do, lo and behold, it worked. Now, it only works on some games, I don't know why. Others need two or more buttons, so you can't play those. With this setup, on some games Button 2 is the Start button. On other



Must quit buying stuff

But I love my Lynx and I want it and me to be happy. There's a few other Lynx games I want. (I want every Lynx game from R1-R5.) Right now, the majority of the time with my Lynx is with Block-Out. Just today I made a discovery about this game. If you turn the 2x2 block on its side, it's only 1 block thick. This makes the game a lot better. I was thinking it was a cube since I'm so familiar with Tetris. Not the case. I really need to play something other than Block-Out though. Maybe I'll put in S




Remember the Confuse-A-Cat sketch from Monty Python? Well, the Comcast guy came and installed our forced digital upgrade on us. Unfortunately, Mom was confused, and she still is, but I had to talk to the lady on the phone when something wasn't coming in right. But we got that fixed and I'm a little disappointed that Mom didn't want to get the Digital Classic set up, but that costs $69.35 a month. So all we get is the Digital Starter, the music stations, and most of On Demand. I don't think I'll



Lynx HSC: Just Do It

C',mon, people. Is Block-Out really *that* bad, or is everyone doing the 2600 one? I'll get my monthly Lynx game later this month. Haven't decided when, though. Maybe next week sometime. That'd mean it'd come in the first week of December. Oh well. I'll get two for December, then. I've decided on what it will be: NFL Football. It's one of the cheaper ones at this website I give a ton of business to. Then I will have 55. I have them displayed in rows of 11, and it looks kind of odd not having a L




Well, once I have the following games, I will have all R4 Atari 2600 games*. * I don't count Sears, Froggo, Zellers, and other companies who just put out the same game and title it differently.   +Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom (Sega) +Bump & Jump (M Network) +Cosmic Creeps (Telesys) +Defender 2/Stargate (Atari) +Fathom (Imagic) +Firefly (Mythicon) - I'm only counting this game after learning the other two are hacks of the first one. +Flash Gordon +Front Line (Coleco) +Glacier Patrol



High School Musical (barf)

So I went to Toys R Us hoping to find a Game Boy Advance game on my list. They had about 5 copies of High School Musical (which *was* on the list). Embarrased I wanted it, I told my mom to buy it and gave her a 20-dollar bill. She comes back with a bag and a 10-dollar bill. Gee, only $10? I wish they had more. But they don't. So that's why I'm pleading to you in the post in the Wanted forums. Why do I want these weird games, you might ask? For this site, dedicated to the death of the GBA. Now, I



Comic you might like

I drew this for my comics website. It will be on it December 7. Yes, i know i can't draw worth crap, but is it funny? Also, I need a title for it for the archives section once it reaches there.



GBA 2008?!

Well, here i thought i had seen everything. But Nintendo did allow at least 2 official GBA releases for 2008. So the actual death date for the GBA is March 9, 2008, and the last game to be released was Samurai Deeper Kyo by Destineer. The other games I read about are Word Safari: The Friendship Totems by Tomy released 2/17/08 (the only other game I could confirm existence of), Best Friends: Dogs & Cats by THQ released 2/19/08, and Let's Ride: Friends Forever also by THQ released 2/14/08. New



Comcast changes

Ever since I moved to the outskirts of South Salem, reception of a local TV station has been, well, lookit. Crappy, huh? Well, anyway, we got that letter from Comcast about how they're forcing people to get a box to continue receiving channels 32-71. They'll be at our community on November 20, so mom will go down there and hopefully get stuff so we'll be ready once January comes. Why I'm mentioning this is because the letter states with the change being made, one of their enhancements include "A



Badly needed game

There is a genre overlooked in every single console's library. And of course, that genre is pole-vaulting. So I decided to make one. This started out when i got bored with making Toobin' and was playing around with bB. (I'm easily distracted.) Any suggestions/comments are encouraged. Is this good enough to be a full-fledged game? Right now, to start running, you need only touch right. To jump, press fire. If your jump is good, you'll hear a "ding", otherwise you'll hear a "buzz."



Atari 2600: After the Crash

I was but a baby when it happened. But a few years later around 1990, I got an NES. And then they went all out on my birthday in November 1991 when I got a SNES. And then on my birthday in 1996, I can remember being excited when i opened the big box and found an N64 inside. But back to the mid '80s. Right now in my collection, i'm currently fixated on post-crash titles, especially 1988 and after. Don't know why, maybe it's because i'm fascinated on how short life cycles for the current-gen syste



Long Song #66

It's getting harder and harder to find these. Sure it was easy at first, since artists like Bob Dylan, NOFX, Frank Zappa, and Dream Theater are everywhere, but now I've got all those, and so now i have to get the kind of odd stuff. So long song #66 in my collection is "Only Skin" by Joanna Newsom off her album "Ys," clocking in at 16:53. It's a song which includes a light symphony and her singing and playing a harp. My definition of "long" comes from this site from the Dutch Progressive Rock Pag



I forgot my anniversary!

With my beloved 2600 collection, that is. It was September of 2005 when i first laid eyes on my first 2600. so i took it home and began collecting. Then my light sixer broke, so i had to get a new one. luckily, at the same store, at around the same time, there was a 4-switch there (lucky me!), so i took that one home and have been playing it ever since. In September of 2008, i had 228 games (i now have 233). So sorry to my collection for forgetting the anniversary. i don't know exactly which gam




You know what I hate? People telling me to vote on election day. I mailed my ballot in a week ago. And it didn't even work, either. I voted for McCain, and Obama becomes president. It has been all over the place, people telling me to vote. Heck, I even put it on my own website, but only because everyone else (including this very website) tells me to. I DID! OVER A WEEK AGO! Geesh! Also today, I was having a heckuva time getting my Toobin' game to work properly. Yesterday, I had to fight with the



my birthday

Here's what I got: Final Fantasy IV for the DS & Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia for DS & $20. The $20 is going towards a repro of Klax for the 2600. (They didn't get me The World Ends With You, the third game on my list.) That brings the number of DS games I have to 111. And pizza and cake. So that's it. And yes, i did have a happy birthday.



Sealed Game #1

Today I got my first sealed 2600 game in the mail today. It is Pete Rose Baseball. Now the question is...should I open it, or just leave it as is and never open it? I'm tempted to open it, but then I think, it hasn't been opened in 20 years, why open it now? Is this game a collectors item because Pete Rose bet on baseball and is probably banned from the Baseball Hall of Fame? So many questions... Anyway, I got a few new long songs. Both are from Miles Davis' album "A Silent Way". One is 18 minu



My new games

Today I got my copies of Asses of Fire and Isaiah's Wii Chase. I haven't played either yet, I'll do that tomorrow, though. Along with Alien Greed 1 & 2, I now have 4 limited edition games. That will go to 7 once Elvira, GoSub 2 and Alien Greed 3 come out. I've been tinkering in my mind with a possibility of doing an Asses of Fire sequel, this time it might be kind of a Lost Vikings-style game in which you need both of them to complete the game. Terrance would have the ability to jump, while



Halloween is almost here

I'm going to celebrate by sitting and watching Halloween TV specials my parents taped for me as a kid. I put them all on one DVD. To get me in the mood for Halloween, I watched The Barack Obama Show, and it scared me. Anyway, it was the most boring thing i've ever seen in a long time. I'm not the type of guy to talk to about politics, heck, i only voted for four things out of the whole two-sided ballot (we have absentee mail-in ballots in Oregon, and I mailed mine in. I'm so glad I don't have to



The dentist

I went to the dentist earlier today. i didn't have any cavities, which is good because i don't brush my teeth like i "should". I mean, who brushes their teeth twice a day anyway? And the funny thing is, when i got there i didn't have any pain in my mouth and when i left i did. i thought dentists' offices were supposed to reduce pain, not increase it. and of course, i left with a roll of dental floss and toothpaste that i'll throw away. That, and the Blazers lost. So i had a pretty crappy day tod



Good octopus!

In preparation for GoSub 2's release, i went through the .bas file to see why the octopus wasn't facing the right direction. As it turned out, the direction he was facing wasn't the same as the direction he was moving. So, I corrected the file and now the octopus is working correctly. I like the fact that you can now shoot the octopus, which makes the whole premise more fun IMO. Neotokeo is currently working on a label and i hope to have this released next month. Sorry for the blatant plug.



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