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My thoughts on everything.

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Bert's Pigeons

I was perusing the Vault of Abandoned Projects (a.k.a. my hard drive). I came across this game I was working on which was a spiritual successor to the CCW 2600 games. I figured Bert needed his own game. (I had attempted a proper Count's Castle where the object was to count the number of bats on the screen and press the corresponding number on the Kid's Controller), but Bert. Everyone likes Bert. More than the Count. So I think I began this in place of it. Which it doesn't really matter since we'

flies (part 2)

So I discovered a strangeness on a real 7800 with my flies game. The scanline jumped. So I went back to work and attempted to fix it. I think I finally did so. I was wondering though why Stella said the scanline jumped when I pressed reset but it really didn't. I don't know why it would do that. So I went back and tried to fix that and in doing so learned that the scanline was 260 when pressing reset. Which was why the >#262 thing wasn't going off when I reset. So I think now everything is ok


So spring has returned. The ants are back on the kitchen counter. The temperatures are warmer. Since I was done working on my Game Gear game, just for fun I went back to work seeing if I could fix the scanline issue I had in the assembly version of Fruit Fly Fun. You might say it's a beautiful spring day (well, night). I hate the sun. But I woke up at about 7 p.m. so I missed most of it. I think I fixed it. Perhaps tonight I'll try it on a real Atari 7800 to see if I made it work good on actual

flies (part 3)

I thought about what I can do next. I tried to make this an indoor scene, but with a white wall, the bw/color switch would be rendered practically useless. And the scanline wobbled if the colors are changed. So I'll keep it like this: an outdoor scene. Although I don't condone going outside to swat flies. That's their home. They're supposed to be outside. I mean, how would you like it if some giant came into your house and swatted you to death? Well, I guess you wouldn't care since you'd be dead

Release the flies!

So I think I have everything done on my part. I have 1 byte left, so anything else would have to be bug fixes or changes to what I have already. My game is going to get a release, so stay tuned for that. Just not from AtariAge. It's been 9 months since I ordered from the store and nothing ever came. It'd be nice to get a refund, but I guess I won't.   Yesterday I was sitting on my chair and I moved my leg wrong and it started to hurt really bad. I guess I pulled another muscle. I don't
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