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  1. Atari Systems

    1. Atari News

      Please post Atari-related news here, so we have it all in one place.

    2. Atari General

      A general discussion for Atari-related topics that aren't covered by a specific Atari console or computer forum.

    3. Atari 2600

      The Atari 2600 is the system that started it all for Atari, and is by far the most popular classic gaming console. This forum covers all 2600 systems produced by Atari, as well as 2600-compatible consoles produced by third-parties.

    4. Atari 5200

      The Atari 5200 was Atari's second cartridge-based game console. Based on the Atari 8-bit computer line and labeled the "SuperSystem", the 5200 was Atari's answer to growing competition in a market they were losing control over.

    5. Atari 7800

      The Atari 7800 ProSystem is a contemporary of the Nintendo Entertainment System and the Sega Master System. Based on extensive feedback from Atari customers, the 7800 features a streamlined design, backward compatibility with the 2600, a powerful graphics processor, and simplified controllers.

    6. Atari Lynx

      Lynx was Atari's first portable game system, and world's first color handheld. It was designed by Epyx and the engineers who created the Amiga. Ahead of its time, the Lynx sported a backlit color screen, stereo sound (in model 2) and an impressive range of games. Check out our rarity guide or explore many games listed on Atari Gamer.


    7. Atari Jaguar

      Atari's last game console, the Atari Jaguar represented a huge leap in technology from previous offerings. Featuring a 64-bit architecture, the Jaguar had great potential, but its power was difficult to tap. Even then, many great games were released and the Jaguar has an avid fan base today.

    8. Atari VCS

      Discussion forum for the new Atari VCS console.

    9. Dedicated Systems

      Before Atari produced the famous 2600, they created many standalone consoles such as Pong, Speedway, and Stunt Cycle. Recently, Atari has been creating new dedicated consoles, such as the Atari Flashback.

    10. Atari 8-Bit Computers

      Atari's original 8-bit computer line, featuring the Atari 400, 800, XL, and XE series of computers. Powerful and well-engineered, the Atari 8-bit computers are still popular with fans today!

    11. Atari ST/TT/Falcon Computers

      Atari's next generation computer line, the Atari ST computers were based on the Motorola 68000 series chips, the same as the Macintosh at the time. The ST would also be followed by the TT and Falcon.

    12. Atari Portfolio

      The Atari Portfolio is a palmtop, IBM PC-compatible portable computer released by Atari in 1989, the world's first palmtop computer!

  2. Classic Consoles

    1. Classic Console Discussion

      Discussion of classic gaming consoles outside the Atari realm.

    2. ColecoVision / Adam

      Coleco launched the ColecoVision in 1982, with the console quickly becoming popular due to its library of arcade ports. The ColecoVision has a large homebrew following today.

    3. Intellivision / Aquarius

      This forum is for discussion of the Mattel Intellivision, Atari's primary competitor against the 2600, as well as the Mattel Aquarius computer. Intellivision systems include the original Intellivision, Intellivision II, INTV III, and the Sears Super Video Arcade.

    4. Bally Arcade/Astrocade

      Discussion forum for the Bally Arcade/Astrocade console.

    5. Odyssey 2 / Videopac

      Discussion revolving around the Odyssey 2 / Videopac G7000/G7400

    6. Vectrex

      Discuss the world's only vector-based video game console here!

    7. Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) / Famicom

      Discuss Nintendo's first cartridge-based system, the NES, here!

    8. Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) / Super Famicom

      Discuss Nintendo's second cartridge based system here!

    9. Sega Genesis

      Sega's popular fourth-generation 16-bit system, would ultimately compete head-to-head with the Super Nintendo.

    10. 3DO Interactive Multiplayer

      Discussion forum for the 3DO console and the unreleased Panasonic M2

    11. Dreamcast

      Discussion for the SEGA Dreamcast console.

    12. SMS High Score Club

      Join the Sega Master System High Score Club today!

    13. TG-16/PC Engine High Score Club

      Compete for high scores on the TurboGrafx-16 and PC Engine!

  3. Classic Computing

    1. Classic Computing Discussion

      Use this forum to discuss the plethora of classic computers outside of Atari 8-bit offerings. These include the Apple II, Commodore 64/128, Amiga, TI 99/4a, MSX, TRS-80 and others.

    2. Apple II Computers

      Discussion for Apple's 8-bit computer line.

    3. 244.7k
    4. Commodore 8-bit Computers

      Discussion for Commodore PET, Vic-20, Commodore 64, Commodore 128, and other 8-bit Commodore systems.

    5. Commodore Amiga

      Discussion for Amiga Computers, CDTV, and CD32

    6. Tandy Computers

      Discussion for Tandy computers, including the TRS-80 Models I, II, III, and 4, Color Computers, and Model 100.

  4. Modern Consoles

    1. Modern Gaming Discussion

      This forum is for discussion of all modern game systems, including gaming on consoles and computers.

    2. Sony Playstation 5

      Discuss Sony's Playstation 5 console here!

    3. Xbox Series S/X

      Discuss Microsoft's latest Xbox Series S and X consoles here!

    4. Atari VCS (Redirect)   (9,959 visits to this link)

      Discussion forum for the new Atari VCS console.

    5. Nintendo Switch

      Discussion about Nintendo's latest game console and games.

    6. Microsoft Xbox One

      Discussion forum for the Xbox One.

    7. Sony PlayStation 4

      Talk about the Sony Playstation 4 here.

    8. Microsoft Xbox 360

      Discussion about the Microsoft Xbox 360 (not including the original Xbox).

    9. Sony Playstation 3

      Please discuss the Sony Playstation 3 and games here.

    10. Nintendo Wii / Wii U

      Discussion forum for the Nintendo Wii and Wii U consoles and games.

  5. Gaming General

    1. Gaming General Discussion

      Gaming discussion not covered by other specific gaming forums.

    2. Arcade and Pinball

      Many of us grew up pumping quarters into arcade games, and here's where you can discuss all your favorites. From Pong to Pinball to the latest arcade games, if it has a coin slot, then you're at the right place!

    3. Emulation

      Emulators allow you to experience classic games on modern PCs (and other devices!) Discuss the latest emulator developments and ask questions about emulation here!

    4. Hardware

      This forum is for discussion of hardware at a more technical level than you'll find in the other forums. If you have a hardware question you'd like to ask or have some interesting knowledge you'd like to share with others, post it here!

    5. Prototypes

      Ever wondered about all those games that were announced but never released? Or games that have been discovered over the years that no one even knew existed? Or have you discovered a new prototype that no one's seen yet? Here's the place to talk about prototype games, led by Tempest of AtariProtos.com.

    6. Gaming Publications and Websites

      This forum is for discussion of gaming related magazines, books, websites, and other publications.

    7. International

      Internacional - Internazionale - Internationaal - Internasjonal - This forum is for discussion of classic and modern gaming in languages other than English.

  6. Marketplace

    1. Buy, Sell, and Trade

      Please use this forum as a tool to buy, sell, and trade games and hardware.

    2. Auction Central

      Use this forum to discuss auctions on eBay. Have something up for auction you'd like to share? Post it here! You can also highlight amusing, off-the-wall, or interesting auctions that others may want to hear about!

    3. Wanted

      Use this forum to post a list of the gaming hardware and software you're looking for!

    4. Free Games and More

      Spreading the Love with Free Games and other items.

    5. User Feedback Forum

      Please use this forum to leave feedback about other users on AtariAge that you've had good and/or bad experiences with. Please read the sticky at the top of this forum before posting!

  7. Community

    1. Events

      Use this forum to discuss gaming events of all types, including expos revolving around classic gaming, events catering to modern systems, arcade expos, and local gatherings of collectors getting together or a day of gaming.

    2. Show Us Your Collection!

      If you're a repeat visitor to AtariAge, it's likely you also collect classic games and systems. Here's your chance to show off to the rest of the community your collection!

    3. Member Blogs

      As members update their Blogs, messages will be posted in this forum so you can more easily keep tabs on who's writing what!

    4. 2.4k
    5. 6.7k
    6. Contests

      These forums are for discussing and participating in contests started by AtariAge, contests run by forum members, and of course, the weekly High Score Contests!

    7. User Groups

      This forum and its subforums are for classic gaming and computing user groups. Find people in your area who share your love of this hobby!

    8. AtariAge News Discussion

      Discuss news posted on the front page of AtariAge!

      • No posts here yet
    9. User Submitted News

      Please submit classic gaming news here!

  8. Game Programming

    1. Homebrew Discussion

      Here you can talk about homebrew games that don't have their own forums allocated (which will be most of them). Have an idea for a game that you'd like to see someone program? Are you programming a game and want some feedback? Discuss it here!

    2. Programming

      The programming forums are technical discussions of programming various classic gaming consoles. The more popular consoles have their own dedicated programing forums, so please only use this forum for topics that fall outside of those forums.

    3. Hacks

      A hack is an existing game that has somehow been modifed in terms of graphics, colors, sounds, and/or gameplay. If you've modified a game and would like to share it with others, or have an idea for a modification you'd like to see done to an existing game, you can discuss it here.

  9. Site

    1. Announcements

      Important site or forum-related announcements will be posted here. If you see a new announcement, please stop by to read it!

    2. Forum Questions and Answers

      Have a question about how to use the forum?  Ask here and others can answer (including admins and mods!)  

    3. AtariAge Store Discussion

      We'll post announcements about the AtariAge Store here, and you can also post your questions and comments about the store in this forum as well.

    4. Site and Forum Feedback

      Do you have suggestions for how AtariAge can be improved? Please post them here, as well as criticisms, and kudos about the web site!

    5. Rarity Guide

      The AtariAge Rarity Guide is a living, breathing document! If you have feedback regarding rarity guide values and the database in general, please discuss it here!

    6. Archived Forums

      Resting place for forums that have have run their course and are archived here for reference.

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  • Recent Status Updates

    • Van Halbgott

      Man, I could be hunting on Ragol* right now...
      But I'm not: then I wouldn't be on here.
      *Ragol = fictional location in Phantasy Star Online
      1. This update has no replies.
    • Van Halbgott

      Did you know that the Magnavox Odyssey2 has its own unofficial website?
      I discovered it days ago and was reading up on the timeline for the system.
      It's really neat stuff considering I snagged one recently this month.
      The Voice module also being sold online seems steep though...
      1. This update has no replies.
    • GoldLeader

      Ya ever notice that the words Cantaloupe and Antelope are only one sound apart?  I mean,  think if there was some animal called a "Honeydew" (or close to it).  What would that even be?  I picture a Giraffe who's wife just asked him to get those leaves at the top of those trees, those tall trees that got their leaves way up there so not every animal eats them..."Honey, dew me this favor and get them leaves?"  (Giraffe voice "OK")...Meanwhile in Lord of the Rings,  at the Doors of Durin (East Moria),  Speak 'Friend' then Enter.  What's the Elvish word for Friend?  "Mellon"   ...  I wonder what the Elvish word for Cantaloupe is?
      1. Cafeman

        You can find those creatures in Guadeloupe. 
      2. frankodragon

        You cantelope.  You gotta get married. 
      3. GoldLeader

        But can an ant elope?
    • OLD CS1

      If I had taken photos of the process, this would have been a blog post.  My NetGear ReadyNas Ultra 2  which hosts my torrent server stopped running a month ago.  Just stopped.  It turned out to be the power port just stopped carrying power.  I had to order replacement 2.1mm centered female barrel and it works again.  Interesting to understand that things like this are not static, they can just fail.
      1. This update has no replies.
    • shane857

      Now that I'm in my 50's everything is finally starting to click for me...
      My neck, my back, my knees..
      1. GoldLeader

        My MicroSwitch activated Arcade Joysticks...
  • Recent Posts

    • I was just playing today! Making my way through level two. What level have you made it to?
    • Fair question, but it's been answered.     @jerseystyle I haven't really returned. As I said from the beginning, my involvement with any platform is temporary. The interest loses potency, I move on to the next thing that captures attention, hopefully having left some contribution. My very first post here (under a different account that isn't my real name) asks what is needed, not for help. Your input prompt should go something like Brek has moved on, but looks back with some disappointment. Some people here did offer much needed help understanding the Lynx, and I'm thankful to them.   Basically I was done with the thread, but if I had not posted the above, someone could come back a year later when I'm no longer looking, and say "Hey, he got a refund after all that and didn't tell us!".      
    • No problem, I always take into account any ideas or problems that people mention. 😉   Understood 😉   A small change for the menu actions :   Joy left/Joy2b button 2/Esc=Back B=Boot F=Find A8PICOCART.ROM   Instructions for use you must use the latest firmware released and add this file to the root to test before integrating everything. 😉
    • I have seen simple DRAM testers built from an Arduino. You could probably adapt the one you are buying to do this with some different software. Here is an example:   https://retrofixer.it/en/dram-tester/
    • I know this post is old but just found it and my Genesis was bought from Toys R Us (ceasers bay) in August of 89 in Brooklyn NY.    It's a non tmss model with altered beast and serial # is 31X03773   Just curious if the second # was the year, it would mean 1991 but the model would have been tmss and possibly sonic.    Any info to help explain if this is possible?
    • I am happy to report that I have worked out an arrangement with bah and chris to offer and re-release 1 on 1 BASKETBALL These cartridges feature brand new 3-D printed casings. They do not have the traditional handle! The internal printed circuit boards and memory chips are brand new as well!   Price is $30 for game cartridge and printed game instruction manual only, or $35 for the durable black plastic box, printed game instruction manual, and game cartridge     Price does not include shipping.  (If you are outside of the USA, please contact me for a shipping expense quote.) Ordering information is on my web site:   https://timduarte.blogspot.com/2024/09/1-on-1-basketball-for-odyssey2-videopac.html     Or if you have any questions, you can send me a message here.   Long live the Odyssey2 and Videopac!       Tim
    • yes, I have built it, and it works fairly well.  I did find a few code issues that I reported to Fred but not sure if he ever fixed them and posted the new code on his board.  I fixed them on my side.   I also have USB adapters in stock that can use either Fred's or JediMatt's firmware.  The ones I have for the TI do not require any soldering at all, depending on the connections that your TI uses for the internal power supply that is.  TI had I think 3 or 4 different connections they used.
    • BITD, Atari sold something like 250 times as many 2600s as Jaguars, and even so the new 2600+ sells in relatively modest numbers. Atari isn't going to sink huge sums of money into developing a Jaguar+ for such a limited market.
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