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Cosmocrash - 2 characters

I don't know why it took so long. But multiple attempts later, I did it: I put in a second character. I will change it to black when it's all done, but for now it's yellow because I've been testing its behavior. It seems to be behaving rather well now that I got it in (third day's the charm, I guess... ) I was still bored. I came back to it. I decided to work on the "spinners", those white hurricane-symbols from AstroSmash. I decided to try to put those in the game. It only took 45 m



Quiz Wiz Qrap

So I got in the mood to write some more questions for my Quiz Wiz cartridge I'm making. Actually, I was in the mood once before recently, but I didn't have the answer key. So I went searching for it. I found the answer key. Major milestone hit: I am now up to 301 questions. I need 1,001. I'm about 3/10 of the way done. It took me a year to do that. Hopefully I'll remember better so I can actually finish the darn thing. I think I found a cure for boredom now.   What I'm doing is matchin




Rafael told me that Goshzilla wasn't looking very good. I agreed with him. He told me about me once saying I would like to put Astrosmash on the Odyssey². I figured I could at least give it a try. If I finish it, it would most likely be released next year. I was trying to think up a name for this. I figured Cosmo=Astro and Crash=Smash. Plus, it gives it alliteration. I had no idea Astrosmash had an exclamation point at the end of it. Here's what I have so far: Not very much since I ju



Name that monster

A long time ago, I worked on a game called Goshzilla. Rafael and I came back to that game. He didn't like the name Goshzilla and told me to make the name serious. So I chose the name Michael. He wants a more monstery-sounding name. So now with both ideas shot down, I need to think of a new name for my Godzilla-like monster. I was thinking something beginning with K, like Kraken, or King Kong, for example. But I have no ideas. But at least I have a better looking title screen. I'll cen



Little things mean a lot

Here I am, reviving another project. This one is very volatile. Changing just one line of code in it can break it or change the game in ways I couldn't imagine (and didn't want). I found out how to shift bits in numbers. The equivalent of "asl" in Odyssey²dom is "rl" and "lsr" is "rr".     mov    r0,#clothescolor     mov a,t     anl a,#007h  ; you will only get values from 00 to 07     mov @r0,a     mov r1,#clothescolor     mov a,@r1     rl a     rl a     rl a     rl a     mov r7,a   



Arty McArtface

I decided to put my self-taught Photoshop skills to the test. I created a poster for my Upmonster Odyssey² game. Since it probably won't be used, I think I'll share it here. Nobody seems to like my art. That's okay though because I can't draw very well and I know it. I worked on the game earlier today. I think it is almost done. I have all day to work on coding since i don't have a life, so that makes it so I can make games really fast. Here's a list of Odyssey² games I have made or a



Microsoft Edge good for something!

All Microsoft Edge is good for is to download Firefox or some other different web browser? Not true. Let me tell you a story.   So I went and decided to print out some more blank comic strips for some comics I do. I print them out, fill them in, scan them, color them in, and put them on my comics site. Well, my printer was having an episode. It wasn't printing anything. So I checked the ink levels. They seemed ok. Then I turned off the printer and turned it back on again. Still nothing



Odyssey² stuff (part 2)

I should clarify that the people in Brazil I am having trouble with is Odyssey Clube. I had no idea there was more than one group of Brazilians making Odyssey² games. It must be real popular there. Right now I am working on another Odyssey² game that is different than the burgers game. I spent all day yesterday on it.



Odyssey² stuff

So here I am bored again. I could work on act 4 of NES Stupidman. But I don't think I will finish the game because it looks like crap. I have been programming some more Odyssey2 stuff, mainly the hamburger doodle. But I will be working again on something else. A couple months ago, I was promised a copy of one of my games I created. The guy was in Brazil. I never got it. That was in November. Here it is almost February. Good thing I didn't actually pay for this, as I think I would now be out some



Microsoft to acquire Nintendo

I certainly wouldn't put it past Microsoft to do this. I don't know how much Nintendo is worth nowadays, but I think Microsoft has more than enough money to buy them if they can pay $67 billion for Activision. I think I'm looking at a headline from next year, actually. M$ is evil. Perhaps this is just the beginning of a snowball rolling down a hill...   You know what will happen after Microsoft buys Nintendo? Disney will buy Microsoft. Because we all know Disney has to own every possib



Act 3 almost done

I woke up at 7 a.m. I didn't want to, but I went into the kitchen, took my pills, had breakfast...and went back to sleep. Woke up at 11 a.m., and I feel like I could sleep all night and all day. But I got up and worked on Stupidman some more. I finished the rest of the code for Act 3 of Stupidman. When Stupidman is done facing 30 chickens, the Stupidmobile zooms off into the horizon. It goes a little too fast up the road when it does so, but I don't know if I could fix it and make it look better



Stupidman again

So I decided to continue work on Stupidman. The Pause function broke. When you pause the game, it was supposed to say "PAUSED." under the score. But somehow, I made it so that gray blocks appeared when that happened. So I worked to discover why. It looked to be the root cause was me making the game say "PAUSED." which didn't do it earlier. But that's what I was able to figure out commenting different parts of the pause code out. So I needed to find a different way to tell whether the game was pa



Why won't anyone care?

I work and work and work on my computer, making games for various consoles, and when I get done, nobody seems to care. Nobody wants to help me get them released. I bet I have dozens of games I've made and nobody wants to care about any of them. So I thought "Why do you suppose that is?" The only answer I came up with is "Because they're crap." So I've decided to stop making games. It seems like the only logical conclusion to come to. If I slave away on the computer and nothing gets released anyw



2600 land

So I went back to the Atari 2600. After all, my user name is "Atari2600land." I've been thinking of changing it. Anyway, I went through my computer and found some Atari 2600 files. I thougtht my computer was dead last night because it wasn't reacting to my button presses and it said it needed to restart. So I made it restart and it froze. So I turned my computer off even though it told me not to. I turned it back on and it froze some more. Until it didn't and decided it felt like working again.



black and white burgers (part 22)

I changed the point of the game again. It is now like the NES version, where you can still end the game without shooting anything, but you won't get a very high score doing that. The highest possible score you can get is 500. That is shooting all 500 of the milkshakes that come towards you.   I added an ending. I tested the game. It works great. I think I ran out of room at some points while I was programming it, but I was able to cram in the game in only 32k. I made some music for the



black and white burgers (part 21)

Lots of changes to talk about. upped the amount of milkshakes you need to shoot from 50 to 100... ...because I cut the amount of levels. I only needed 6. I had 7 drawn. So which one to cut? An easy choice. I didnt like the city level I drew at all. So I axed it. I decided to make the game endless, a play until you die game. Otherwise, what would be the point of the score? I added the last junk food projectile. It's candy. It's a w&w. (kind of like an m&m, onl



black and white burgers (part 20)

Caves. They're dangerous. But do you know what is more dangerous than a cave? A cave with forks. I stole this idea from Earthworm Jim 2's secret level. But I had to simplify it for the Game Boy. I tried to put a picture of a real fork in, but it wasn't going to work. So I had to draw a fork and put that in the game. I designed the fork so that it didn't take up very many different tiles. It paid off since there are only 32 different tiles in this background. This also marks the return



black and white burgers (part 19)

I was asleep all day and all night yesterday. So I said to myself even though I was really sleepy that I needed to force myself to stay awake. I don't know why I am so sleepy. Anyway, while forcing myself to stay awake even though there really isn't much to do at 12 a.m. except watch TV, eat, and go on the internet, to work on the Burgers game again. I thought of something last night I could use as a junk food item for the milkshakes to shoot out: Popcorn. But as it turns out, popcorn is really



black and white burgers (part 18)

Yesterday I made the score quit flashing when a milkshake was hit. I finally figured out what was causing this problem: As you can see, the score was holding on to the rightmost pixels of the 0 when it changed from 20 to 21. As it turned out, the width for the 1 digit was one less than all the other digits. So I had to look at someone else's code that I didn't understand to try to change the 1's digit's width to be the same as all the others. I finally found the digit widths, changed



black and white burgers (part 17)

Added in level 6: The city. These backgrounds take at least 10 or so tries to get right. I put in one and see how it looks, then if it shows graphics glitches, I tone down the amount of light gray I have in it. I don't know why, but having too much light gray increases the glitches. Except for in level 1, which is really odd. This is downtown somewhere where there's a metropolis near a bunch of mountains. Portland? Denver? Take your pick. I especially like the way the mountain in the



black and white burgers (part 16)

So back to working on the Burgers game for Game Boy. One of my goals I have is to make a good Game Boy game. This is perhaps the closest I'll ever get. Since I don't have very good artistic skills. I worked on redesigning the underwater level. The little things that sprout up from the sea bed are supposed to be seaweed. And I added some fish to swim by. (Imagine this scrolling because that's what it does.) Not only can't I draw very good, it gets worse when you only give me 4 colors t



Game Boy stuff

I've decided to quit the basketball game because I was so angry at it. Back to the Game Boy burgers game. I went to the used game store in my area. I got a Game Boy game. So this bumps me up to 123 GB games and counting. I got three in the mail yesterday. And this morning, I choked on one of my pills. That hasn't happened in a while. I was unable to get it back up, but I got my body so I can drink water without it getting stuck halfway down and having to spit it out. I woke up at about



1 On 1 Basketball

Here's another Odyssey² doodle. This one however is fully playable as a game. I call it "1 on 1 Basketball." I even made a webpage for it. I gave up on it, but I was still bored so I decided to try to see if I could fix it. I think I fixed the problem. The problem was when player 1 touched a dead ball and player 2 pressed his action button, player 1 got the ball, and vice versa. At a dead ball, I wanted player 1 to touch the ball and press his action button to recover it. Also, I wanted player 2



red meat

I got really bored. I was fooling around with Odyssey 2 programming. I decided to see what an Odyssey 2 version of Defender would look like if you replaced the ship with a hamburger. For lack of space (and to make the game harder, and I don't know how I'd program such a thing), I probably won't put in the radar screen if I decide to make this an actual game. Right now all you can do is move the burger around and fire off a French fry with the Action button. Why Defender? I already hav



black and white burgers (part 15)

I learned something I can't do with this game. Apparently I can't have scrolling backgrounds consisting of a ton of light gray. Level 1 is apparently good enough because it contains a lot of white. While designing level 5, though, I put in a bunch of light gray and the game displayed tiny graphical glitches pertaining to scrolling, but they went away when I added some more white to it. Thus, I spent the whole night last night devoted to getting the game just right and getting rid of the sound it



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