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Entries in this blog

Other cars on the street.

I took about an hour to work on putting a car in the game. Next I need to work on collision detection for it.   In case you're wondering about Jack and the Beanstalk for the Odyssey 2, it has begun to get preorders. Head on over to the videopac.nl forums for more info. ZipZap is also getting ready for a release as well by a different person.   The people in our HOA (the same ones who told us to get a new fence) have decided to put speed bumps on our little streets



The Stupidmobile takes to the streets.

If you're Stupidman, what else would you call your car? I mean, Batman has his Batmobile, the Munsters have their Munstermobile. I mentioned in a blog that I highly doubt I could do scrolling. As it turns out, I didn't need to know how to do scrolling. It's amazing how just one little tree moving from right to left gives the illusion that the Stupidmobile is actually going down the street. This also gives the introduction to the score. Notice how there's a comma in it. I thought that



The good ol' Crisis Monitor

Stupidman learns about the crisis. Where else but on the crisis monitor? In case you weren't clued in, the museum is the home of the world's oldest raisin. I still have the plan of Stupidman going to the museum in his Stupidmobile a la Atari 2600 "Grand Prix". I will begin work on that part tomorrow. I want to make it a bigger rom size, but I dont know how and all my attempts ended in failure.   I made a phone-ringing-type sound effect (technically according to NES coding it




I went to sleep last night. While I was sleeping, I thought up of an idea for a new NES game. I thought "What if I put one of my comic characters in it?" Enter Stupidman, a character I thought up of when I was a kid. He is a superhero that is dumber than a pile of bricks. I woke up this morning. I had to relearn how to make an NES game, and 4 hours later, I have a title screen, complete with music. It will have cut scenes. Next time I work on this, I will begin with the first one: Stupidman goin



Internet again

So some guy from the phone company came. Not only did the internet go out, but the phone went out as well. He spent a couple of hours working outside and then he came inside. He went in my room he went in the den. He finally came to a conclusion. The phone line had shorted out. That was why we kept having intermittent internet outages. So to fix it he drilled a hole in the wall and put some wire through to my phone jack in my room and a few minutes later, I plugged in the modem and I had interne



More internet problems

In case I go away completely, it's because my stupid internet is broken. It keeps going down intermittently, so you know what computers can do with their stupid minds bent on tormenting humans.



Channel F

I will go back to my regularly scheduled Intellivision kick once my System III arrives. Until then, I decided to hook up my Channel F just to make sure it still runs okay. That turned me to more coding "fun", this time working on some unfinished games. In the few years I started, a couple people have asked about Elevator Events. I wasn't happy with the way the game turned out originally. So I picked that game to work on. I spent four hours this morning on it and got it to a state where I am most



Secret project

So apparently you CAN use constants.bas and it won't up the size of your program.   For the past couple of days I have been working on a game that is <4k using INTY Basic. I think I have completed it this morning. My computer says it is 3.55KB in size which is good. So now all I need is a competition for it to be entered in. I can't wait to see the reaction I get to it. But for now, it will remain a secret. I am going to try it out on my real Intellivision sometime, perhaps later to



Six² update

I have been waking up at about 8 p.m. and going to sleep at about 8 a.m. So I don't know when I am going to go finish the game. I have Odysseus, Stupus, and Mikebloke on a sort of wating list. I need to go to Wal-mart to get some tubes and go get the overlays made. I saw on the news that shipping time is incredibly horrible right now, yet I just got a package that went all the way across the country in just 3 days. So I need to get myself readjusted so that I'm awake all day and sleeping all nig



Save the puppies on Intellivision (part 2)

I had to change a few things from yesterday to get it working faster. It now looks like this: I am going to try to enter this into an INTYBasic 2022 contest (if there is one), so I'm not really wanting to share ROMs quite yet. The playfield is 16x10. And the maximum for movement is 14x8. I had to make it this way so the game works faster. I can't tell if the guy's legs move when he is going up and down. It doesn't look like it, but I can't understand why it would be that way



Save the puppies on Intellivision

I made the title screen about a week ago, and this morning I worked on the actual game. Your career is puppy rescuer. Unfortunately, your town is in a crisis. It seems like it's being invaded by giant tarantulas. So, not wanting to lose your job, you decide to risk your life to save the cute adorable puppies. The gif pretty much sums up all the activity on the screen since there's no sound yet. I figured since I was working on this for Game Boy, why not do a version in color? Not know




I have decided to give up on Flying Hamburger. I just can't get it correct. So I decided to come back to my comics. I drew some. I doubt anyone looks at my comics webpage where I have resumed posting comics on. But like I said before, I'm trying to find stuff to do so I'm not bored. I found a new way of coloring it though.   I draw the comics with a mechanical pencil, scan them, and then I used to convert them to two colors. But now I converted them to three colors, and made two of the



more work on burgers

I worked on Flying hamburger for the Atari 2600 today. Today I put in something I wanted to have in the game. I made it so instead of the last onion ring in the level is shot you move to the last level, it's now you need to dodge the last onion ring's missile (if there is one) to advance to the next level.   I also found a graphic glitch I think I fixed. In level 2, the background graphics caused some glitchiness if an onion ring fired a missile in a certain place. But since level 2 ap



MOOnlight sonata.

So I decided since "x vs. o" wasn't going to ever be a big hit, I recycled the music from the title screen of it and put it into my new hamburgers game. Unfortunately, it broke the constant scanline count, so I had to rework it so it was correct again. I also added a new sound effect: the onion ring shooting a missile. So even in case I make it so the game randomly decides whether or not to shoot an onion ring, it won't play the sound effect unless the onion ring shoots a missile. But I doubt I'



2600 Hamburgers - level 2

Successfully added level 2. I don't know how, but the onion ring lost its ordinary color. So I added it back in. I did the hard part of designing it last night from my insomnia. I finally went to sleep at about 1 a.m. Woke up and then finished it. And then I tried level 1. I screwed up level 1's cleanness, so I had to work on making the lines straightened. I completed that. I doubt I can add the chicken nuggets in. My sights are set on making this have enough levels to be interesting



2600 Hamburgers

That is a lot of them. I wonder if I could eat 2,600 hamburgers. Think of all the weight I'd gain. I gained enough beginning to eat ice cream again. Anyway, I rebegan work on my burgers game for the Atari 2600. Thanks to my patience trying to make the picture @ a steady 262 scanlines, and some help from Omegamatrix, I now have a nice beginning of a Hamburgers game. Now tomorrow I will attempt to put in a second level. I wonder how many levels I can put in. I have about 2k left in my 4k game



Six² - new Odyssey game

Six² is a new Magnavox Odyssey game I made a few years ago and then sat on it. It is for one or two players. Basically, the game is like Monopoly, which I thought should have been an Odyssey game given its use of extra stuff to use. You can't have a true Odyssey game without stuff to play it with. I am talking about the original Magnavox Odyssey, not the Odyssey 2. Which is confusing since the game's title has a superscript two in it. The last thing I need to do is make the overlays done. I will



Save The Puppies now 64k

Just to see if I could, I decided to try and make a 64k Game Boy bankswitched game. I know all my attempts have ended in disaster. But I wanted to know exactly WHY they did. A few hours later, after fixing many an error message it wanted to spit out at me, it compiled. With no errors. I wanted to know if it worked, so I clicked on it. The title screen was displaying. I pressed Start. The game showed up. I had done it. I had made a 64k Game Boy game.   What I did was I put all the data



Saving "Save the Puppies"

I was working on a homebrew Game Boy game called "Save the Puppies!" It involved going around trying to collect puppies in a maze without touching a giant tarantula which popped up every few seconds. I stopped because I discovered that the old development kit was old and there was a new one that I had to switch to and it wasn't working well for me. I decided to pick it up where I left off and I think I used the rand function good here. So I am back to working on this, taking a break f



Wacky calendar - October 2021

Way back on September 11, I put a preview of something I was working on called a wacky calendar. I was going to make one every month and post it here. Since then, I kept the piece of paper I was drawing it on, and, although I remembered a few times, I didn't want to work on it that day. Finally, since it's almost October, I rushed to do the rest of it, scan it, and color it. I forgot the "magic formula" I had, and not only that, I couldn't find the preview image on my computer any more, so I had




Have you ever had something itch, but when you try to scratch it it hurts? That's what I'm struggling with right now. My left ankle itches. But if I try to scratch it it hurts. With that, I still managed to work on Tunnels of Terror this morning. Here's what I added: Made the enemies faster once you get to a certain wave. Right now it's set at wave 2, just for testing, but I don't know what to set it at. Well, MOST of the enemies go faster. The one that shoots at you doesn't becau



Tunnels of Terror - Sep. 26, 2021

So I decided to use that empty bank to display a WAVE intro screen. I woke up this morning having done a little work last night. I made it so the wave number displayed is a two digit number. That means you can go up to wave 99. The problem this morning was making it so the score doesn't flash when it switches banks. It took a couple of hours and testing and retesting it on a real Odyssey² to make sure it didn't. I made a little wave ditty that goes with the wave number screen. Since that's in th



Tunnels of Terror - Sep. 25, 2021

I worked on getting a new enemy in the game most of this morning. It was hard, but I eventually did it. This enemy does not disappear until you shoot it, unlike the others. Also, it goes fast back and forth across the screen. It's really hard designing the enemies with just 63 characters (well, 64, but one is a space). I decided to make a picture of the enemies and what they do. Most of the difficulty came in trying to get the enemy to not disappear off the side but instead bounce bac



Tunnels of Terror - Sep. 24, 2021

I added another enemy type in the game. Most of the time was spent trying to make its laser beam not overlap the enemy ship. When two characters overlap, it makes icky white garbage show up on the screen. Right now it's 2k, but I thought I would have to make it be 8k, but after looking at the code a bit, most of it is for the in-game part, so dividing the code wouldn't save very much room.   The new enemy is made of just one character and the other character is its laser beam. You cann



Tunnels of Terror - Sep. 23, 2021

Work continues. Last night and this morning I put in the first enemy. I also got the score working and enemies can be shot at by your ship. This is what the first enemy looks like I cut off the tip of two different characters to get that weird looking green/pink ship. I know that in Turmoil there are different types of enemies that do different things. I will try to incorporate that into the game as well. With scores, and high score checking, and title screen drawing and ingame drawin



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