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A new game.com project.

So I bought an Arduino-type thing for this game.com project. I don't know what an Arduino is, but it was only about $20 or so. So when it comes, I'd need to test it to make sure it works. So what can I do with one of these things to test it and make sure it works in the meantime before my project stuff comes to me I'm guessing in a few months?   What is an Arduino anyway? I mean, what does it do? Is it a multi-purpose machine so you can do what it tells you to do? I'm really new to thi


atari2600land in Game.com


I decided Keno was too winnable. So I made it so you can now pick a number between 1-80 (instead of 1-50).   I think I fixed a bug where the game freezes if you stay on the menu screen too long. I don't know why it was happening, and I don't know why my solution stopped it, though. I just happened to notice it.   I don't think I'll implement the warning screens any more because people would just ignore them anyway. Although it was an interesting programming exercise in Hambur


atari2600land in Virtual Boy

Side tracked

I decided to work some more on my Casino game. Right now I'm working on implementing (or trying to anyway) a simplified version of keno. In the original game you pick 20 numbers, I slashed that in half, and usually it's between 1-80, and in mine I'm making it 1-50. Right now you can pick the numbers, and the computer gives 10 numbers. What's left is to figure out code for identifying matches and winnings. So the game is like the lottery in a way. Not really a very winnable game, so I


atari2600land in Virtual Boy

Virtual Nosehair Cutting (part 2)

Worked some more on the game earlier today. I went to sleep at about 4 a.m. and woke up at about 7 p.m. So I slept all day. Here is what the game looks like now: I've yet to add the nosehair demon. I had a very hard time making the score decrease from 100 to 99. But eventually I did it. Next up is adding the nosehair demon.   I got an SNES mouse in the mail yesterday. Mario Paint is fun. Makes me want to buy more mouse-compatible mouse games for the SNES.

Virtual Nosehair Cutting

I saw my Virtual Boy on my desk. It's been there since the last time I was working on Virtual Boy programming. It was staring at me. I don't know what it wanted. So I resumed work on my "Minigame Mayhem" game I had been working on it.   The last time we left off on this, I had just finished the tenth game out of 12. So I began work on a new minigame for it. Going through my files, it looked like I tried to bring the nosehair game to the VB before. But I decided to start anew. I got the

Am I geting old?

I'm in my early 40s. Just saying that makes me feel so old. But lately I have been having a hard time understanding people. I hear them okay, but I just can't comprehend what they say. Is it because I'm getting old, or is it just people being dumb and just assume you'll automatically understand everything they say. This mostly happens on the internet. Like I'm reading comments to stuff I post, what I say, and I just don't get what they're saying. I haven't always had this problem. It's just like

7800 fixing

I just had a huge ado. So I wanted to untangle the 7800's power wire from my chair and the rest of the wires. When that was done, I plugged in my 7800 and turned it on. I couldn't. So then I remembered I had a second 7800 with some sort of problem. There was some sticky, round thing in the cartridge slot. So I thought since I had nothing else better to do, then to try to get it out. Armed with a pair of tweezers, I couldn't get a grip on it. So I used a scissor from a pair of scissors. And lo an

Do snakes eat flies? (part 3)

Since I don't have an idea for the fourth screen, I made the snake in the third screen look better. It now goes left from off the screen instead of magically appearing in a different y position on the right side of the screen. It's not a hard screen to get past, but it's something. I'm having a hard time thinking up ideas for this game.   I had insomnia last night. I didn't get to sleep until after 1 a.m. I kept thinking about stuff I wanted to get up and do. I was also tryi

Do snakes eat flies? (part 2)

The snake wasn't long enough. So I decided to add a tongue to it. In yesterday's blog I explained how the Game Boy could only display 10 sprites per row. So I had to do some clever programming, like making the tongue just slightly below the snake so it starts a new count of 10 sprites per row, to do that. It looks better when it's moving. I also made the snake better animated so it looks a lot better than it did. Now I have 60% of bank 1 (storage of level 1 stuff) free. It doesn't hav

Do snakes eat flies?

If they don't, this one definitely does. I've been wanting to make something with a snake in the jungle. So I thought of something. There's this snake and he lunges out at various random y points. Not too far since the maximum amount of sprites that can be on a line is 10. I tried to make the snake longer and forgot this and was wondering why it wasn't showing the longer snake. The point is to get Frank across without the field without getting bit by the snake. Time for dinner. I

Game Boy>Playstation.

If only there was a way to release/play homebrew Playstation games on a real Playstation. About 9 years ago, I dabbled in PSX homebrew but gave up once I reached 2 conditions: 1.) Nobody will get to play my game on a real PSX and 2.) my computer died so I lost everything.   Since then I learned about SD cards and I've backed up the most important things (things I'm working on) on them.   Today got me back to Game Boy programming. I've discovered a way to reduce the loudness o

June 3 demo.

I compiled a special demo version of Frank the Fruit Fly 2. If you beat the second screen, the game resets since that's all I have so far. I am really having trouble trying to think of stuff for Frank to do in this game.   On the third day of each month, I usually post a YouTube poop I made. This month is no different. Hear Wilford Brimley talk about strange and unfamiliar ice cream on my YouTube page.

The webs

I've been working on Frank the Fruit Fly 2 some more. I must have spent at least 3 hours or more trying to figure out how to transfer Frank's onscreen position to a square on the grid screen for a sort of collision detection. I also fixed some more bugs pertaining to death and what happens once you reach it. There sure are a lot of spiders in this particular Cambodian jungle. I am so sleepy I could go to sleep. I need to quit yawning so much and the only way to do that is sleep. If I

yesterday's status update.

I was really angry that something wasn't working in one of my games. So I decided to give up. I woke up the next morning and remembered that I had done something similar before. So I went back and found out how I did what I was trying to do. And although I don't understand what I did and how it works, I got it to work here as well. Although it's not very pretty graphicswise, it does work, so I'll have to use it and do it that way.   Sometimes I get so angry that I just want to give up

Colecovision again - 5/31/2024

So my Colecovision SD cart came yesterday. After attempting for like a half-hour trying to put the SD cart in the hole, I actually did it. I turned on the Colecovision, loaded my game, and...                     The game works, but it was really slooooow. I never realized how slow the game was looking at it on an emulator vs. playing it on a TV. So I sped the game up a lot. Doubled the speed and tried again. That was much better. I actually

Wombats Attacking Michigan.

Well, not really. I needed a name for my wacky font that was equally wacky. So I came up with that name. I may sumbit it to dafont.com but I doubt if I did it would go on their website because of my previous attempts were apparently dumb.   I'm surprised that even with all the pictures of letters I designed and put into the font making program it only got to be 39k in size. I was expecting it to be much much bigger. Haven't worked on Frank the Fruit Fly 2 today. I don't have an idea of


I was sick as a dog yesterday. I had to sleep at about 2 p.m. I woke up about 12 hours later, and I felt much better. I continued work on Frank the Fruit Fly 2. I replaced the level # in the game to a paused message if you pause the game. Needless to say, I added pausing. I only have to do it once due to the way I'm coding this. I was getting low on room in bank 0 so I moved some stuff to a newly-made bank 7. It freed up some room, but not as much as I had hoped. Since all I need to a

Memorial Day

I kind of find it eerie that I made this screen on Memorial Day: Oh well. I had nothing else better to do than work on this today. I have nothing else better to do than work on this every day. My eye hurts again, so I don't feel very good today. I also composed a little music, level 1 for the game. Now I'm stuck. What can Frank do in a jungle?  

Screen #1

I woke up early at 8 p.m. with a bad case of acid reflux. Food didn't help, milk didn't help. What did help was a Pepcid. Which was odd because I take one every day so I can swallow my food without choking on it. So I've been working since about 10 p.m. What I'm doing is working on Frank the Fruit Fly 2. After a ton of work trying, I made it so it jumps to a different bank to start the game. Frank's first jungle puzzle isn't really a puzzle. It's cross the spider web without touching

Lovely critters.

So this morning I was working on the computer when I heard mom say something to me. I went into the living room and there on the back porch was a raccoon. The cat wasn't too sure what to make of it, but we wanted it gone, so I went out the front door, walked out back and scared it away. About 10 minutes later, it was back, but when I went to go see, it wasn't there.   What was I working on? Frank the Fruit Fly 2. Again. Yesterday I played Solar Striker on the Game Boy with the Game Gen

I got bored.

Playing Donkey Kong Land last night got me fueled back up for Game Boy stuff: playing, collecting, programming. Nothing on eBay that I wanted (well, that I could afford, anyway). So when I got real bored, I decided to play with Game Boy programming a little. Now before you think "There's going to be a Frank the Fruit Fly sequel coming out next year," please bear in mind that this is just me goofing off with Game Boy programming. I'd need to think up of more stuff for Frank to do if I

Work work work!

That seems to be what I yell when I am programming Odyssey 2 games. A minor change in bank 3 of Underwear ruined the whole game. So I had to figure out what was wrong. I changed one byte and the game wouldn't work any more on a real Odyssey 2. Eventually I got the game working again.   I added another maze to the game. I also simplified the maze grid drawing code. So I don't think I should have to make any more changes to bank 3, which is good because it's been a problem program part f


Ulysses Unger has a problem. Seems he got stuck inside a maze naked with killer umbrellas going around. I hate it when that happens. Fortunately there seems to be some underwear. Lots of it. Your job is to get the underwear without touching the umbrellas which end your game.   It took a long time to get to this point. Bank 2 was not working. I thought it was bank 3. So I deleted both in a fit of anger and went to sleep. I shouldn't have done that. Oh well. This game won't have the Ceda

Flying Potato Chips (Colecovision) - the chicken nugget

Worked on this a little more today. I woke up at about 4 p.m. after going to sleep at around midnight. That is a chicken nugget. If you shoot at it, you get two points, just like a regular enemy. But if you touch it, you get an extra life! Chicken nuggets don't show up if you have 9 lives remaining. so 10 lives is the maximum amount of lives you can have. I spent a couple of hours on this. Also, the chichen nugget starts showing up on the second level. I am so sleepy. I got 16 hours o

Flying Potato Chips (Colecovision) - Level 2 work

I've been busy with Flying Potato Chips for Colecovision these past 2 days. I've made some more songs and little jingles for game over, level beaten, and title screen. The song that was on the title screen and level 1 is now just on level 1. I also began work on the second level: Frozen Lakes. It sucks there's no brown. I had to use dark yellow for the tree trunks, but it looks good. Some more stuff to do: introduce more enemies than just a pretzel. popcor
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