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2 new games

I got Pengo and Secret Quest for the 2600 in the mail today, courtesy of combat16 (thank you!). When I went out to get the mail, it began to rain, so I had to hurry in quick. Now my 2600 total stands at 203. And I want more. I'll be putting up an ad in the wanted forum soon. Oh, and don't forget to participate in the Lynx HSC. This week is Rygar, so fire up your Lynx and send me your best scores!



TV Crossword #2/Lynx stuff

C'mon and vote for the first game in my new Lynx HSC!   I'm going to send away for 2 Lynx games on Monday: Ninja Gaiden 3 and Pit Fighter. I'd really like Checkered Flag, but nobody seems to have it for <$20. Do you? So, right now I have 43 games. This next purchase will make it be 45.   And here's another TV Crossword. I know these aren't the most popular things in my blog, but I like making them. Also, here's the answer to the last one (=indicates black spot) =TIE=MILAN=== NADA=AVE=




I don't know about you, but i like commercials. The only reason I watch the Super Bowl is to see the commercials (unless the Seahawks are playing in it.) So, I was at Best Buy and saw a 2-disc set of commercials from the 50s-70s, and I bought it. It was only <$8, all the more reason to. And there is some pretty disturbing things on here. Like Fred Flinstone and Barney Rubble lighting up Winston cigarettes, or how about Mr. Indian crying because we've trashed his land with garbage? Or multiple




I've been debating whether I should have background music while you're playing Asses of Fire. I've wrote a tune for level 1 in MIDI format. What do you think? Should I program this in? As for bank breakdowns, since this will be a 32k game, here's what I have in mind:   bank 1 - title screen info/main game info bank 2 - level 1 screens/info bank 3 - level 2 screens/info bank 4 - level 3 screens/info bank 5 - level 4 screens/info bank 6 - level 5 screens/info banks 7 & 8 - possible mus



A rant about video games

Why do they have to be so hard?! I played Sonic 1 for the Genesis, can't get past level 2. I played Sonic 2, again, can't get past level 2. That's why I'm excited about the Didj. Maybe I can get past level 2 in the Didj Sonic game, if only because I know my multiplication tables. Also, that's why I'm making Asses of Fire. The platform game has been neglected for way too long on the 2600. That's why I tried with the unsuccessful attempt of Super Maria Sisters a few years back. I want a platform




What do SpongeBob, Sonic the Hedgehog and Indiana Jones have in common? They all have games coming out for the Didj, what is perhaps the stupidest name for a console since the Wii. But it does sound interesting, even though it's made for kids. It's a handheld edutainment system that is more like the GBA than any other handheld. In fact, I might even buy one, if only for the Sonic and SpongeBob games. Learn more at my new page dedicated to the Didj, titled The Didjest. (the best name I could come



Game #200!

I got my 200th Atari 2600 game! Well, 201 to be precise, with the additions of Challenge of Nexar, Squeeze Box and Dark Chambers. I've decided I want to get more into the post-crash games, stuff like from 1987 on up. That is why I'm looking for BMX Airmaster (that, and the groovy title screen music.) So, yay me! A list of all of the games I have is here.



T&P NP-style maps

Now that I'm working on a platform game, I thought it'd be fun to make a Nintendo Power-style map for it. Nintendo Power doesn't do maps any more because all the games are 3D.(well, they could still do them for games like Mario Kart Wii, but I bet they'll choose not to), but back in the day I remember these maps for 2D side-scrolling platform games, so I've been making this map, which I'll add on to as I think of more levels.



Top Whatever - February 2008

Here's a list of the games I've been playing for February. -I'm still on a Mario Kart DS kick, although I've been getting a little tired of it lately. -I made good with my promise and have played Tetris on GB. My current record is 199 lines. -I've been playing with my Game Gear, most of the time Sonic 2 and Super Columns. -Stella's Stocking. I don't see why people are bashing TC, though. But it could be just that I suck at playing video games. To quote Milhouse: "My mom thinks it's cool." -



TV Crossword #1

One of my hobbies is crossword puzzle-making. Inspired by crosswords in just about every single TV guide, I decided to start making my own. The result isn't as perfect as those in the TV guides, but I hope you'll have fun with this new blog topic. The answer to this crossword will appear the next time there's a new crossword (which will probably be every week or so.) So, print these out and have fun with them.




I called "Virtual Dieter" done and entered it in the 2008 Minigame Compo. I think it's a pretty neat game and I want it on a cart. But there's one problem: It has no label. That's where you come in. If you design a label that I like enough, you can win! Win what, you might ask? Either a copy of the game, or $25 in cold hard cash that you can spend at the AA Store (or anywhere else, for that matter, but why would you? ) The cash is coming out of my own pocket. This contest ends Monday, March 31.



I have a cold

But that didn't stop me from going to Game Crazy. Have any of you had this happen? You buy a few games because you think you don't have them and you take them home only to find you do have them after all? Luckilly I only spent $3 for 3 of them. 1 doesn't work but I haven't cleaned it yet. Well, anyway, I submitted Virtual Dieter to the 2008 Minigame Compo. And I'm going to get me some Carl's Jr. food (Hardee's on the east coast), because my mom is going to go visit her dad and then come home and



Shhh. It's a secret.

I'm making a secret game. It's so secret, there will only be one copy in existance. I might make the binary file available if the 2008 Minigame Compo ever gets under way. The name of the game is "A Game." I couldn't think of a better title for it, well, anything that would make sense. I could have called it "Fred the Psychotic Pair of Yellow-stained Underpants That is Foaming At the Mouth," but I didn't. And it ain't about underpants, although the guy in the game might be wearing some, or he mig



Extreme Makeover

I had about 30 bytes to spare, so I redesigned the guy from Virtual Dieter. Now he resembles Pitfall Harry (but fatter), and I now have 3 bytes left. In other news, I'd love to watch YouTube videos and listen to podcasts, and all that other good stuff. The bad news is I still have dial-up. It's frustrating because we called Qwest and they said it's not available in our area. Me and my mom live in a mobile home park (maybe that has something to do with it,) but there's a Wal-Mart & Lowe's




My mom was nice and took me to Game Crazy. Now, the reason I wanted to go was to look for Game Gear games, but when I saw all the new Atari 2600 games sitting there, I went over there instead. I got Shootin' Gallery, Revenge of the Beefsteak Tomatoes, Donkey Kong Jr., Gyruss, and Tapper (an R6!) all for $1 each. Pretty good deal, eh? Tapper has a slight hole in the label, but it's the rarest Atari 2600 game I have. Now, all I need is three more so I can have 200.



Game Gear!

Well, I can get my Game Gear to work in a weird way without using the AC Power Adaptor. Mind you I don't know why this works, or how I made it work, but it does. If I turn it on and then touch the hole where the adaptor goes, it turns on. It works with the adaptor as well, but it needs to be in a certain position inside the hole for it to work. Weird. I'm guessing the AC adaptor pin is screwed up. I tried to unscrew the screws to get inside there, but it's too hard. Is there any way to "soften"



Short Trax

I'm making a list of songs under 30 seconds long. It's not very long yet, but I'd like some contributions to make the list grow. If you know of any, send them my way and I'll add them. The list is here. It's practically the same design as a list of long songs I know of, only these are short ones. Maybe some day I can get over 800 like the long song list.




I got Prince's Symbol album because of the song called "7". It goes good with the song called "8" by Sunny Day Real Estate. Now all I need are songs called "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6" and "9" and I'm all set. I saw a Lenny Kravitz album called "5", but there was no song on it called "5". Darn. I'm working on making a new album. It's basically me playing a bunch of songs I've composed on the piano. Some have words, some don't. I recorded myself playing the BMX Airmaster theme, but alas I have no



Valentine's Day

Happy Valentines Day! Yesterday, I went downtown and got me two records. The first one was Van Morrison's "Common One", one I have been looking for because it has two 15-minute songs on it ('Summertime In England', and 'When Heart Is Open'). I like 'Summertime In England' better because it actually has drumming on it. This is my first Van Morrison recording I own. The second one was Vanilla Fudge's "Near the Beginning", another one I have been looking for mainly because of side 2's 'Break Song'



More with Virtual Dieter

Read about the game here. I want the finished project to be 2k, which is getting harder with each version. I had to make the game less beautiful by having two 1-colored sprites instead of three 2-colored sprites. I added a weight-loss pill, though, something that was missing in the first version. So far, my highest score has been 200 on the latest version. After compressing over and over again, I have 6 bytes left. The good news is I don't see any bugs. That's a good reason for writing <4k ga



You never know

So I go to my video game store, and there were the usual three 2600 games there, plus an addition: Porky's. So I end up paying $2 for it. The guy there was saying how great the movie was. I didn't want to say "I haven't seen it, I just bought this because it was a 2600 game I don't have." He asked me where I found it, and I pointed behind me and said "over there." where the 2600 games were located, all three of them. There were a couple new Jaguar games too, but I don't have a Jaguar so I didn't



43 Lynx games

That's my total. I just got Jimmy Connors Tennis and Basketbrawl in the mail yesterday. In the tennis game, the ball is like 3 pixels by 3 pixels, and with the tennis racket not much bigger than that, it's VERY hard to hit the ball, let alone serve it. One of the rare times when Realsports Tennis and Activision's Tennis for the 2600 is better than a Lynx game. I wonder if Jimmy Connors had a Lynx and played his own game. I wonder if he was any good at it. Anyway, I've decided to sell most of my



Jungle Monkey

I made a game called Jungle Monkey. Look at it in the Batari Basic forums. I was going to submit this to the 2008 Minigame Compo, but I decided it's basically dead, which is too bad. In other news, I'm waiting for 2 Lynx games I ordered. I'm thinking they might come later today or tomorrow. So, again, we'll wait and see what happens. I'm going to play my Atari 2600 a lot. I figure with almost 200 games, I can go for about 24 hours. I'm not sure if the 2600 can handle a 24-hour gaming marathon,



Top 7 - January 2008

Here's what I've been playing last month:   #1 - Mario Kart DS #2 - Strat-O-Gems Deluxe (2600) #3 - Block Out (Lynx) #4 - Columns (Game Gear) #5 - Mario Bros. (2600) #6 - Pinball Jam (Lynx) #7 - Zarlor Mercenary (Lynx)   I hope to get some 2-D Tetris action in this month, and fire up my neglected original Game Boy (aka red Game Boy Pocket). Here's the thought for today: "The Rain In Oregon Stays Mainly in the Valleys."



Stuff for Groundhog Day

I got Zarlor Mercenary in the mail today, which brings my total # of Lynx games up to 41. And I also found a movie that aired on TV that began with the letter Q, so I taped it and now I'm burning it onto DVD, which would bring my total # of movies that begin with the letter Q to 4. I'm going to Best Buy tomorrow to see if I can find some more (I bought "the Qucik and the Dead" there), and hopefully I'll find another one (I'm looking particularly for Quest For Camelot, Quiz Show, Quadrophenia, an



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