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Yesterday I thought I'd eat some sunflower seeds. I opened the jar and ate about half its contents. A few hours later I got really sick. My stomach hurt bad and I felt like I was going to vomit. So it was hard to go to sleep. But I did. After dreaming some really weird stuff, I woke up about 12 hours later. My stomach hurt, but the nausea was gone. So I pooped out a ton of poop. I'm surprised I didn't lose weight as I pooped out a LOT. So I learned my lesson: Don't eat sunflower seeds.  

Stupidman 2: d

I noticed right when I posted yesterday's blog entry that the d was lower case and all the other letters were uppercase. It took awhile to remedy that, but here is the improved title screen, complete with capital D. Everything on NES seems to be okay, but still I had jaggies. I tried another NES, and all it gave me was a blue screen with a black circle in the middle of the screen, which I thought was weird. I tried SMB2 on my top loader NES (the jaggies one) and it displayed jaggies a

Stupidman 2: a few little changes

So I made a few little changes to what I have with Stupidman 2. I designed a new title screen. I also made the cymbals in the title screen music quieter (and better in my opinion.)   I made some more little changes to door #1. Pressing Up and Down work automatically now (before, you had to depress up or down before he moved up or down) and also I made it so Stupidman can't go off the screen (if he did, the game would act as though Stupidman died due to the way I coded i

Do I need a new TV?!

So I have this flat-screen TV I use to play everything on. It's a Toshiba, so it's not like it's some cheapo brand. Every time I plug my NES into it and play it though, it looks all blurry. I don't know why. I think it's due to a problem I've had with other Everdrives where it's like that. I have a Game Gear Everdrive and it does the same thing.   I played my Stupidman game I've been working on on it. The candy counter and pause message were off screen, so I moved it up to be at the "b


atari2600land in NES stuff

Stupidman 2: door 1 mostly finished

Stupidman must go from gator to gator getting the w&w candies that pop up on screen while avoiding the banana and avoiding jumping into the water. When you get ten candies, the level is finished and the game goes back to the level select screen.   Tomorrow I will work on background music for this level and a sound effect for getting a w&w. Originally I had it as a gator back, but then I thought the gator was too short, so I decided to make it a gator head. I think it look


atari2600land in NES stuff

Stupidman 2: I'll take what's inside door #1

Yesterday and today, I worked on Stupidman 2. Don't know why since it will never be released anywhere. I just need to do something while I wait to grow old and die. Last time we left Stupidman, he got abducted by aliens and beamed aboard their ship. There are four doors. While I still don't know what the other three doors will contain, door #1 looks something akin to Frogger (which was never released on the NES for some reason.) I had a real hard time with this but I think I finally g


atari2600land in NES stuff

Stupidman 2: main menu (part 2)

Well, I finally figured out how to make the game go backwards instead of forwards. I needed to put "main();" after a gamepart that is less than what it's looping now. So that means the game can have 4 levels and I can proceed with that. Right now all doors lead to the title screen. You just touch a door and press start to enter it.   I am trying to turn my life around so I'm up all day and asleep all night. I woke up at about 10p.m., just 4 hours ago. I'm wondering what I should do now

Stupidman 2: main menu

So I worked a little bit on Stupidman 2. Stupidman gets beamed up onto a spaceship where he's presented with four doors. I was thinking about the Mega Man games and how you could choose the order in which you complete levels. I thought I should at least try to do something similar. But now thinking about it, since I cannot seem to go backwards in my game code. For example, when it's in part 6, if I direct it to part 0's code (the title screen), the game crashes. So I guess I'll m

Stupidman: Episode 2

So I was in the bathroom reading late NES issues of Nintendo Power. I was reminiscing when I thought to myself that I taught myself how to make NES games! Why don't I make another one? So I started work on Stupidman 2 for the NES. I figure if Mega Man can have 6 games on the NES, then Stupidman should be able to at least have more than one. The title screen plays "Yes, We Have No Bananas." Pressing start on the title screen gets you to the intro to Act 1, where the plot is described.

A trip down memory lane.

So I found my USB NES controller last night, so I decided to play some NES games. First, I wanted to see how many points I could score in SMB again. I must be slipping since I remember getting >800,000 in a NES HSC a long time ago. Next I played SMB2. I found this sort of interesting and didn't know was possible: Mushroom blocks stopping for cherries. Thus making one float in mid air for no reason. And apparently the continuity of the Mario series is all screwed up since

Finishing up again.

So I went ahead and made the last changes. I got an idea for the museum screen. I made it like the old Atari 2600 homebrew "Elevators Amiss." This is definitely not a wheelchair-accessible museum. I also made it so the music doesn't stutter while the flying boxes are hitting you for long periods of time. I am guessing the limit for sprites on a certain row is 10 (same as the Game Boy) since it can reach that and do it without flicker. I also found that the layout of the grocery s


atari2600land in NES stuff

Stupidman Redux

I like feedback on my games. It helps to make them better. So when I got some that I agreed with about the game's maze parts were too boring (for lack of a better word), I agreed and decided to get rid of two of the three of them. Today I worked on replacing the hideout maze with this. It is a lot like the giant's room in Jack and the Beanstalk for the Odyssey 2 I made. Differences: the boulders fall down instead of being thrown across. instead of starting over in the s


atari2600land in NES stuff

Behind the SceNES - Super Mario Bros. 2

It had not been a while since I fired up my NES controller - to - USB drive. So I put it in and played some Super Mario Bros. 2. I don't remember me sucking so badly at this game. It was either the controller's fault or the emulator's fault, but I was not good. Luckily I could enter Game Genie codes in Mesen. So that's what I did. All the stuff I remember still worked, and I discovered a couple of new things as well. For example, the mushroom block stuck in the wall trick. If you pause the


atari2600land in NES stuff

Working on Stupidman: Act V

I decided to spruce up the title screen. In doing so, I may have figured out how text displays on the screen, at least in CC65. I had a hard time making it display the word "in" (the blue circle before the subtitle). I also was able to put in the copyright symbol. I designed the font for the text myself, but I don't think I did a very good job, so I may change it. And, also I worked on Act V. Mr. Germ, having sensed Stupidman on his trail, has unleashed the giant peas to


atari2600land in NES stuff

Beginning Act V

I began work on Act five of Stupidman. A neat thing I did was make the clouds move left slower than the tree, so it looks like a faux parallax scrolling thing. I made a new song for this act. All I have left to do in the song composing department is one for Act VI and one for the ending. That's not to say I don't have a lot of work ahead of me, I do. I think Act VI will be a challenge because Stupidman has to shoot while dodging Mr. Germ shooting at you, and it'll be a fight to program


atari2600land in NES stuff

Yes new music.

I put in the new song after wasting a day trying to use the wrong program to convert the music to the correct format. I was using FamiTracker when I should have been using FamiStudio to convert the songs. I forgot that I needed to do that. So now what I need to do to put in more new songs is remember to use FamiStudio to convert the data to the correct song. But I can't get how to use it to compose, so I need to use FamiTracker. So I thought I also needed to use FamiTracker to convert it. Makes


atari2600land in NES stuff

No new music.

So I wasted a whole day trying to put in a new composition. I tried and tried but it just wouldn't cooperate with me. So I'll have to give up on that since nobody seems to want to help me on Discord. One thing I did do was make the score more visible. Another thing I did last night was make an intro for the act. But I guess I won't be able to add any more music since the compiler is being a jerk and hating me for no apparent reason.   I have an idea for the final bo


atari2600land in NES stuff

Stupidman act IV

So I think I completed for the day what I set out to accomplish today: Make a grocery store where Stupidman can walk around in. It's a lot like the museum. One thing I need to do tomorrow is set up the intro to the act where Stupidman arrives at the grocery store. Another thing I need to do sometime is make a new song for the supermarket. But my head hurts so I'm going to quit working for today. I designed the supermarket by drawing it in Photoshop. The gray room is the goal (where the


atari2600land in NES stuff

Behind the SceNES - Pac-Man

I saw Pac-Man at the game store last week. Not knowing whether I had either Pac-Man or Ms. Pac-Man, I bought it. As it turned out, I already had Pac-Man. So now I have two. (Pac-Men?) Both are the Namco version, not the Tengen one (although I do have a Tengen version as well.) If I ever get around to it and if anyone wants my extra, I want to eventually sell it. So the Pac-Man cartridge had been sitting in the kitchen counter for a few days. I thought "I'd better hook up the NES and play the thi


atari2600land in NES stuff

a better Stupidman title screen

I made the title screen to Stupidman even better.   So what I did here was kind of hard to do. I had to make the dot in the i like I did because if I didn't the head would end up with green hair. I think now I've done enough tinkering with the title screen and act 3 screen so now I can begin work on act 4. I used to have an exclamation point at the end of "Stupidman," but I got rid of it and it looks a lot better without it.   Stupidman was one of my earliest comics, whe


atari2600land in NES stuff

The return of Stupidman!

I spent three hours of coding Celery and geting nowhere. Then I decided to stop. But then I got bored. So I thought about what projects I have: Frank the Fruit Fly (Game Boy) Adventures of the Stalk of Celery (Channel F) Flying Hamburgers (Game Gear) But there was one I had forgotten about. I had not worked on it since January. Why, it's Stupidman in: A Date To Remember (NES) So I resumed work on that. I needed to ease myself back in NES programming since I ha


atari2600land in NES stuff

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