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My thoughts on everything.

Entries in this blog

Chris Plays - Pac-Man

This whole blog topic started when I was looking through my Atari 2600 manuals and found a Pac-Man one. It listed the ghosts as being GHOSTS and the pellets have turned to wafers. So after reading the manual I decided to take a new approach on 2600 Pac-Man. I wanted to see what it was like with the "walking" ghosts and the "fast" Pac-Man.   I was not born when Pac-Man first came out. So I can't remember playing Atari 2600 Pac-Man for the first time back in the day, probably was around

Potato Chips En Masse - August 28, 2022

So I was looking for an AC adapter for my Atari 2600. I found something that I thought was what I had used before. So I plugged it into my Atari 2600 and turned it on. Nothing. I thought perhaps I fried my Atari 2600, but I didn't smell the usual "burnt electronics" smell that occurs. I was trying to test the colors of my potato chip game on an Atari 2600 since the colors on my 7800 made the mountain look hot pink, which wasn't correct. So I went to sleep and woke up 12 hours later. Digging arou


atari2600land in Atari 2600

Sleep to the rescue

While I was working on my game this morning, I had an eyeache. It got so bad I had to stop what I was doing, run to the bathroom, and vomit out all I had eaten since when I woke up at 10 p.m. This was at about 6 a.m. About an hour later, I had to quit. It seems like the only thing that makes my eyeaches go away is sleep. So I tried to take a little nap. It took about an hour to go to sleep because I wasn't really all that tired yet. Sure enough, when I woke up, I felt better.   Continu


atari2600land in Atari 2600

The "Potato Chips En Masse" website

The latest version of Potato Chips En Masse will always be on its website I just made yesterday. I intend to fully finish this game even though it probably won't be released anywhere. I guess my games like "Uncle Hairy's Nosehair" aren't good enough. Or too weird or too gross or something. So I decided to make a game about junk food. It's not gross. I just had a Whopper from Burger King yesterday and it wasn't gross. It was delicious. The Whopper is the best fast food burger out there. But back


atari2600land in Atari 2600

The potato chips are coming!

So I slept all day again. Went to sleep at 7 a.m. and got up at around 7 p.m. I decided to take a look at my flying burgers game for the Atari 2600. I decided the hamburgers had to go since it made the French fry green sometimes. So I had to change it to another junk food that was just one color. But what would that be? I thought for a second and came up with the potato chip. So instead of the game Flying Burgers, it's now called Potato Chips En Masse. Here is a picture of level 1: Mouthwat


atari2600land in Atari 2600

six² update

I got in touch with the guy who does all the Odyssey Now releases and he says he will be able to print the high quality overlays for me next month. All I have to do is print some more instructions and get some tubes to ship the game stuff in. Then it will be ready. I will probably have two runs of ten copies each. Run #1 will have 8 copies and, if needed, run #2 will have an additional 10 copies. I think I need to make it this way so if no more than 8 people are interested, all I'd have extra wo


atari2600land in Chris's Odyssey

Game.com active! - Scrabble

I played the computer on Intermediate level on a game of Scrabble for the Game.com. I won, 351-250. I kind of forgot my opponent's score even though I just played it. I had no opportunity for a bingo until near the end. I had the letters blank, U, T. Looking through the Scrabble Dictionary I have on hand (to aid in word forming and to check if my opponent's words, which usually are very obscure, are valid), many words began with OUT. I had a T to form the word TO from the word TINCT I had placed


atari2600land in Game.com

a better Stupidman title screen

I made the title screen to Stupidman even better.   So what I did here was kind of hard to do. I had to make the dot in the i like I did because if I didn't the head would end up with green hair. I think now I've done enough tinkering with the title screen and act 3 screen so now I can begin work on act 4. I used to have an exclamation point at the end of "Stupidman," but I got rid of it and it looks a lot better without it.   Stupidman was one of my earliest comics, whe


atari2600land in NES stuff

The return of Stupidman!

I spent three hours of coding Celery and geting nowhere. Then I decided to stop. But then I got bored. So I thought about what projects I have: Frank the Fruit Fly (Game Boy) Adventures of the Stalk of Celery (Channel F) Flying Hamburgers (Game Gear) But there was one I had forgotten about. I had not worked on it since January. Why, it's Stupidman in: A Date To Remember (NES) So I resumed work on that. I needed to ease myself back in NES programming since I ha


atari2600land in NES stuff

the fate of the white rabbits

Right now I'm focusing more on the Jukebox Quiz comics. I had been writing Edgar, Allan, Moe comics, mixing it with Far-Side-esque cartoons like in Mother Goose and Grimm, but I found I had more ideas for that then I did about what the rabbits were doing. The rabbit comic will run until September 17. On September 19, I'm bringing back my Jukebox Quiz comics. So what's with the name Jukebox Quiz? I wanted a non sequitur title similar to "the Argyle Sweater" since that was the style of comic I was


atari2600land in personal stuff

back to the Game Gear.

Today's Game Gear coding session was fruitful. I got the beginnings of a level 4 in the game. The burger goes under water. Tomorrow I will compose some music for the level and then I will be done with level 4 and move on to level 5. In the ROM in the link of my signature, there is a level select cheat for testing games. On the title screen, press 1 for the level you want to start on. No presses starts you on level 1, one press for level 2, and so forth. I will probably remove this in t


atari2600land in Game Gear

Bloggity blog blog

I have been really bored these past few days. I have been really sleepy these past few days. I woke up at noon after going to sleep at around 11 p.m. I have four comic ideas on a page. I need to finish and work on beautifying them on my computer. Here's today's lovely comic. I'm currently drawing a series called "Edgar, Allan, Moe", about three rabbits who do nothing in particular. I thought I'd give them each a separate personality. Moe is a kid bunny, going to middle school. That's t


atari2600land in personal stuff

Celery level 4 and 5

I thought up of a few more Celery scenarios. Level 4 - Island Is Land This will be like the old Game and Watch game Manhole, in which you need to place islands over the holes for Mr. Celery while he's crossing the screen. So it's a little like level 2 in reverse.   Just thought of another scenario a few minutes ago where level 5 will be like that old cancelled Atari 2600 game "Garfield" which Mr. Celery needs to cross fences while things are whizzing around the fence and the

Frank update

Yay! I no longer have to choose "my blog" to update my blog. I spent a lot of time during the AtariAge outage to work on Frank the Fruit Fly some more. I FINALLY got it so you can press Select at any time to save your progress. It also saves your progress when you complete a level. I had to change what was in the igloo, though. It was letting me pass by the igloo without stopping to go inside it to press the button. So now you can still pass by the igloo without stopping in the igloo.


So I have this wart on my left middle finger. It's been there for some time. I decided enough is enough, so I bought some stuff called "Compound W." I tried some yesterday. When it's applied to the skin it turns white, like WhiteOut. But I'm not sure it's doing much since I applied some more again today and it's still there. I'm not sure what the stuff is doing, but apparently it's A.) not a wart but something else, or B.) the stuff I got is useless.   I tried TWICE to get Frank the Fr



A new look for Frank

I redesigned the fruit fly. Nothing major though. He now looks like this: I did have him looking drastically different, but I didn't like it as much, so I went back to the drawing board again and thought it should look more like the original. Why I decided to redesign it in the first place was I thought it was too small in yesterday's screen. But as it turned out, I just redid the math which caused me to not have to have him be so big.   I tried adding eyes to the fly, but i



Frank and blocks.

Blog wishlist - I want to know how many people viewed my blog without clicking on it making the hit counter increasing by 1. I made this this morning. I thought up the idea last night. But I had to refigure how I'd do things because several things wouldn't work. See, there's a ? block like in the Mario games. This one Mario must have decided to skip getting the fire flower. There seems to be no sign of him. He must have gotten eaten by the moth.   So there's this fire f



Frank news.

I decided to try to fix the problems I had with this game. I wasn't holding out any hope, though. I put on some Nine Inch Nails and went to work. But lo and behold, a few hours later, after coding, and compiling, and testing over and over again, I found I had a perfectly working game. Never did figure out why it said "LEVEL 0" on one screen of level 1 and then when I got to the next screen it went back to saying "LEVEL 1." And it saves the progress and everything. I can go into the game, select



Here I go again.

So with me giving up on Frank the Fruit Fly, I had some time to do more. I went back to work on an Odyssey2 project me and an online friend hope to get completed by Thanksgiving. I don't know if he wants to release it on a cartridge, but I hope you can play it on Thanksgiving since it is Thanksgiving themed.   Meanwhile, my computer has taken to resetting itsself every morning at about 3 or 4 a.m. I woke up at 3 a.m. It was still on. I go in the living room to eat breakfast, and I come



Frank is dead.

I give up again. It's not my fault. I'm doing everything correctly. It's the stupid computer that likes to mess everything up for me. What is this, project #1,000,012 I've given up on?! Why does everything I touch turn to shit? Why do I even try anymore? I hate life. Apparently if there is a stupid asshole god, he just wants me to sit in a chair all day and be bored and do absolutely nothing. Because god forbid the stupid computer won't work correctly.



Frank is cold

Changed a few things to Frank the Fruit Fly on Game Boy. I had to get rid of the spider web because I couldn't get it working properly. Even though I used exactly the same code as I did in GoSub. Oh well. I still have 33% of room in Bank 1 (level 1). I also changed the font because I wasn't liking it. I fixed a bug: If you select "continue" and your level is saved as 1 it will go to level 1 instead of looping at the title screen. I also added the x pos and y pos of Frank. This is



Frank is saved!

With some help, I finally got the game to save the health amount and the level amount as well. This means that I can now read the saved data and have it continue where you left off. It automatically saves when you beat a level. But since I only have one level, it will always start on level 1 no matter if you pick continue, but it will retain your health and level values. So if you pick continue, you will start on level 1 but the health will be what it was when you passed level 1. I will make it



Frank on Game Boy

I worked and worked and went to sleep and got up and worked some more. What am I working on now? This time it's Frank the Fruit Fly for Game Boy. I think the Game Boy is deserving of Frank. I hope to actually have the game save your progress if I can, but if not, I'll have to use a password system like I did in the Pokemon Mini version. I think, though, the levels can't be very long. What I am planning to do is make an 8 bank game with each bank being 32k. Right now I have a 64k game,



Chris strips

I forgot the apostrophe. Hopefully nobody cares. My new comic strip starts today. It's called "Edgar, Allan, Moe." It's about three rabbits named Edgar, Allan, and Moe. I have six weeks' worth made, and more coming from my brain once I think of them. New ones come every day except Sunday. 6 comics fit on a page but not 7. If I wanted to, I could turn the page I'm drawing them on and fit 8 on them, but that would be silly. I am back to choking on my pills again. Sometimes I swallow them good



Level 3 fixed

So I didn't get to sleep until after 4 a.m. last "night." I laid in bed with my eye hurting at midnight. At 1 a.m. I was still awake, but my eye quit hurting so I went to work before going to bed. I woke up at about 4 p.m. and went back to work on level 3 of the celery game and I had an idea that may make the game look nicer. I put it in, tweaked code for a few hours and lo and behold, my idea worked! I don't know what was causing the game to look crappy, but my idea was to make a spe



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